Sit on the Rock

Exodus 17:10-13 “So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill.  As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.  When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.  So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.”

Even though our sons and daughters are young, it doesn't mean they don’t grow weary.  Physical weariness can happen to anyone.  Young to old all grow weary.  The young ones fall asleep anywhere- it’s cute and everyone understands.  Yet, as we grow older, there is less tolerance for being tired, so we hide it.  But it shows itself in other ways.  You can see weariness in someone’s eyes.  Their posture may become bent, their gait slows and their energy level loses its ‘sparkle’.  Physical weariness isn’t difficult to spot.  Spiritual weariness is more subtle and often better hidden.   But it young and old alike.  We need to be aware.  And we need to be ready to offer support.

When God instructed Moses to hold his arms in the air to ensure Israel’s victory, it must have been invigorating...for the first few minutes.  But as the minutes dragged into hours, Moses struggled.  The physical drain was immense, but the spiritual burden was just as great.  Israel’s success was dependent on Moses' obedience.  If he let his arms fall, Israel would fall as well.

So, rather than berate him for getting weary or simply using words to urge him onward, Moses’ friends came alongside him, helped him sit down and, while he rested on a rock, they held up his arms for him.  They carried the weight while he rested...on the rock.

There is a lot of spiritual symbolism in that, and a message we can carry to encourage our sons, daughters, friends and others.  Rather than simply share ‘words’ or ‘kind thoughts’, let’s encourage those who are weary by offering them a seat on the Rock.  Take them to Jesus in prayer and encouragement.  And don’t just ‘drop them there’ but stand with them, hold them up, be the strength they need to remain until the battle is won.  

Today, let’s pray the following for our sons and daughters:

  1. That they would gladly take their seat on the Rock.

  2. They would find rest in the Lord.

  3. That when life is hard, Godly friends would uphold them and carry the burden with them until the battle is won.

  4. That our sons and daughters would understand they don’t need to be strong on their own- God will sustain them and provide brothers and sisters in Christ to stand with them...and that they would accept that help, encouragement and support.

Pray without ceasing


He Sat Down


Sitting Unseen?