Prayer of Protection-Taking a Stand

Psalm 141:5-8

“Let a righteous man strike me—that is a kindness; let him rebuke me—that is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it, for my prayer will still be against the deeds of evildoers. Their rulers will be thrown down from the cliffs, and the wicked will learn that my words were well spoken.  They will say, “As one plows and breaks up the earth, so our bones have been scattered at the mouth of the grave.”  But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign LORD; in you I take refuge—do not give me over to death.”

The spiritual battles and deception that are going on today are strong.  The media pumps us with so many messages that defy the standard God sets. People fiercely fight for their rights even at the cost of others’ well being, safety and very lives.  They refuse to take responsibility for their actions and lack integrity in how they do business and life.  Society is so ‘me’ focused that there is little room to consider the ‘other’. 

Rather than take responsibility, we see people shifting blame and throwing others under the proverbial ‘bus’ to take the consequences. Rarely do we see anyone accept a rebuke, let alone accept it with a grateful heart. Daily we see the enemy’s lie of ‘self over all others’ and it is the tool he is using to destroy image bearers, both unbelievers and believers alike.

David likened a godly rebuke to being anointed with oil: a sacred act, a blessing and a sign of being set apart by God, chosen and appointed to a task. He was clear that he valued his integrity before God more than the opinion of others- especially the evildoers. He wouldn’t let word deter him from standing against evil. He was distressed and incensed at the actions of those who disregarded the Almighty God and he didn’t hide his strong opposition to their actions. He was more than willing to stand up to it and speak out against it. And he refused to allow their words against him to drive him to back down. Their rebuke meant nothing- it held no power against him because it held no measure of righteousness. He took a stand that would not compromise, no matter the opposition. Oh that our sons and daughters would have the strong conviction of David, set against evil!

We need to pray for divine spiritual protection and guidance over our sons and daughters.

  • Pray that our sons and daughters would be able to discern between Godly correction and evil oppression.

  • Pray against evildoers.  There are so many.  Keep them from influencing and harming our young men and women.  

  • Pray that our sons and daughters would have Godly wisdom and words to refute evildoers and stand against the enemy.  This highlights the need for them to remain in the Word and in Godly fellowship with other believers.

  • Pray that their eyes would remain fixed on the Lord and they would always seek and find their refuge in Him alone.

“Father, I come before You today and lift (name) to You.  Lord, let their heart remain soft to hear words of guidance and correction so they can be obedient to Your word.  Lord, don’t let them grow hardened but help them see the value of Godly guidance and appreciate those who would have courage to confront.  Lord, give them spiritual discernment to know when correction or criticism is righteous or an attack from the enemy. I pray that you would guard (name) against evildoers and the influence they have.  Lord, we know this is a battle that goes beyond just human influence and reaches into the spiritual realm.  I pray that Your angels would keep watch over (name) and guard them from the fiery darts of the enemy.  Shield them from evil, Lord.  I pray that they, too, would be compelled to pray against the evil they see in the world.  Don’t let them ‘settle’, become indifferent or turn a blind eye to the struggle.  Help them to stand up and pray against it.  Give them strength.  And if they’re confronted with evil, give them wisdom to know how to navigate the situation and wise words to speak to refute the deception.  Give them strength to stand strong in their faith and endurance to endure.  Lord, keep (name)’s eyes fixed on You.  Don’t let them look to the right or left.  Don’t let them fall to the wisdom of this world.  Be their refuge and strength, their very present Help in trouble.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.


Avoiding the Traps


Powerful Prayer: Day 1