Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

May the Lord Guard Your Coming In and Your Going Out

Psalm 121

I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip- He who watches over you will not slumber;

Indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD watches over you- the LORD is your shade at your right hand.

The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

The LORD will keep you from all harm- He will watch over your life;

The LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

The LORD will watch over your coming in and going out both now and forevermore. 


As we prepare to wrap up 2023 and head into a new year, we likely will look back at what has been and forward to what might come.  We cheer the accomplishments and mourn the losses.  We keep count of what matters and resolve to do better in the new year to come.  We ponder those things that made us laugh and cry and those people whose presence made our year more memorable and meaningful, whether for good or for difficult.  We grieve what was lost, or what could have been, but was not.  The turn of the calendar is nostalgic and full of hope.

Yet, the change of date, turn of the page and setting of a new calendar year doesn’t change anything.  God is constant.  He doesn’t need a refresh.  He isn’t moved by new starts or resolutions.  He always was and always is and always will be. 

The photo above shows scripture from Psalm 121. It was found embedded in a mosaic on the floor of an ancient 7th century church in Jerusalem.  “May the LORD guard your coming in and your going out.”  As the believers traversed the floor, it was a ready reminder of God’s protection and goodness.

What a sweet and powerful blessing to pray over those we love!  As we come into 2024 and go out of 2023!

The Lord IS mighty and able to guard us in anything we might face. That’s such a comfort as we step into a new year, isn’t it? The word ‘guard’ in Hebrew is ‘samar’ and it means, “to keep watch, preserve, to hedge about, as with thorns, guard, protect, and attend to”.  It’s more than just watchfulness, it’s an all-encompassing protection.  When shepherds would care for their flocks, they would construct a hedge or barrier of thorns to keep the sheep safe from predators, especially those who lurked in the darkness.  When the Lord guards out going out, He encompasses us on all sides with His powerful protection and His attentive watchfulness, ready to keep us from harm and from the enemy that would seek to destroy us. This world is dark, but our Lord is mighty to guard and protect.

He guards out going out (yasa).  In Hebrew it means “to go, bring or lead out, both literally and figuratively.  It can also mean to go abroad, send with a commandment, spread, go to and fro.” (2) You see, whether we step out with intention, of maybe we wander a bit, perhaps we receive orders or a call to go somewhere specifically or take a step into something new, God is guarding and guiding.  He is good to go and be wherever we are.  What a sweet assurance and comforting blessing!  No matter where our sons or daughters go…or are sent, our God is with them.  We can rest knowing He’s there, even when we cannot be.


God guards our coming in, our ‘bo’ in Hebrew.  Bo means “to come, call, carry, enter, fetch, follow, pull in, grant, lead, or send.”  God may bring us in willingly, or maybe we are kicking and screaming…either way, our Father is present and active.  He grants us entrance into so many things: a new season, a new year, and new opportunities to learn and grow.  We may be called, led, carried or pulled, but God is right there.  Our going out and our coming in are all in His hands, and we are assured He will guard every step.


The amazing thing is that God’s guarding is not dependent on clock or calendar, nor on our willingness or submission.  God is not limited by those things that limit us.  He guards both now, right at this present moment and forevermore for all eternity, time without end.  Always.  Ever.  Without fail.

“May the LORD guard your coming in and your going out.” 

As we get ready to step into 2024, we don’t know what the year may hold, but it’s certain that some will have great joys and others, deep sorrow.  Some may be waiting, and the new year will be a time of expectant hope.  Some will recognize blessings overflowing while others may have abundant blessings, yet not recognize them for what they are.  There may be peace and joy or pain and longing.  But there is one constant of which we can be assured.  The Great I AM.  Jehovah- the Existing One.  Our God is steady and unchanging.  Though the calendar may change, and the weeks and months fly by, God remains ever present and watchful, always providing and protecting.  Nothing surprises Him or catches Him off guard.  There is nothing out of His reach or too strong for His mighty hand and outstretched arm to overcome.  Long before December 31, 2023, arrived, He knew what the day would hold and the year leading up to it.  And when we wake to see His new creation of January 1, 2024, we can know we are watching God fulfill His plan, set in motion before the world began, for that good day. 

Psalm 73:26 “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” 

The calendar shouldn’t determine how we approach the next day or the next year, God is our portion forever.   Forever!  Though a new year will bring something new, our God is the Ancient of Days.  The LORD will watch over our coming in and our going out both now and forevermore.  Forevermore!!  Change is inevitable, but our Lord is unchanging and always present.  He is good and we can trust Him to work and do what is for our good and His glory.  Let’s not look to the ‘ball’ that drops as the sign that a new year will bring hope and good change.  Let’s look to the Lord who stands, ever present and strong. 

“My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip- He who watches over you will not slumber; Indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.  The LORD watches over you- the LORD is your shade at your right hand- The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.  The LORD will keep you from all harm- He will watch over your life; The LORD will watch over your coming in and going out both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121

Today, let’s pray for our loved ones as we welcome the new year.  Pray that what is behind doesn’t define or derail them.  Pray that what is ahead is powerfully held in the mighty hands of the Father and that they trust His strong grip on their life.  Pray that they look to the Lord for their strength and hope.  Pray that the Lord would watch over their going out of 2023 and their coming into 2024 and would keep them ever pursuing Him, following His steps carefully and listening to His voice attentively, a sheep of His pasture, eager to be His child, surrounded by His watchful care.


“May the LORD guard your coming in and your going out.”


What a generous blessing to pray over our loved ones!! 

Pray without ceasing.


1.       H8104 - šāmar - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

2.       H3318 - yāṣā' - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

3.       H935 - bô' - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Passing through the Valley

“Blessed are those whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.  As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.  They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.”  Psalm 84:5-7

The Valley of Baka in Psalms is also known as the valley of weeping.  We can all likely look to a time when we experienced a difficult, dark time.  Maybe we encountered hardship and it seemed as if we were in a dark valley of grief or sorrow that weighed us down and seemed to last longer than we had strength to endure.   

It’s one thing to go through it personally, but ask any parent who has watched their son or daughter go through hard things and they’ll tell you, it’s not only difficult, it’s downright painful.  We want to fix it.  We want to bring it to a quick end.  We want to make everything okay and get things “back to normal”, yet, we’re powerless to do it.  

As parents, the valley experience of our children calls us to a deep and abiding faith in Jesus.  It calls us to trust Him more than we can see in front of us.  It calls us to rely on His strength and Sovereignty over our own power and ingenuity. It asks us to relinquish our parental ‘controls’ and trust in the One Who parents them best.  The valley is a tough place to be, that’s certain.  And, as parents, we can either be the voice of spiritual encouragement that points our son or daughter to Jesus, or a detractor that pulls their focus to their current situation and supports their despair.  

But Psalm 84 gives us a beautiful, powerful picture of the valley as a place of victory,  not defeat.  Yes, the Psalmist writes about being in the valley of weeping, but he says,  “Blessed are those whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.”  Blessed.  It’s the Hebrew word “eser” and it means “happiness, or how happy” (1).  Our sons and daughters can experience deep happiness and joy, in spite of the valley experience if they’re focused on Jesus!  They may be in the valley, but if they’re still pursuing Jesus, they are blessed!!  Their location and their situation do not determine their joy.  Jesus is joy!!  That’s a lesson we should all be reminded of daily.  

The second thing to remember is that the valley isn’t their destination, it’s just a part of the journey.  And the valley shouldn’t be the focus of their heart, the passage to Jesus should be their focus! The joy is generated and determined by the Source of their strength.  The One who walks every step of the way with them through the valley and the One in whose Presence they long to stand. The journey is one of reliance on Jesus and trust in His Presence and leading.

Not only will the valley bring blessings, but it can become a place of refreshing.  Imagine that!  A valley of weeping becomes a journey of refreshing?! “As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.”  The word “spring” in Hebrew is the word “mayan” and it means "fountain or source of satisfaction” (2).  Psalm 87:7 gives us another perspective on Who and what that fountain represents, “All my fountains are in You.”  In other words, all of my blessings and Source of joy, delight and pleasure are in You, Lord.  The valley doesn’t supply the source of satisfaction, the believer traveling the valley does through his full reliance on Christ and his delight in His presence.  So, if our sons and daughters are in the valley, they can make it a place bubbling with delight, joy and pleasure if they remain focused on and grounded in the Lord.  Blessings bubbling over, generatd by the Source of Life.

Then, there are the autumn rains.  To some that may seem odd, but in Israel, the hot dry summer gives way to autumn rain that softens the soil and makes it pliable, easily broken up for cultivation and planting.  It creates fertile ground- and isn’t that what God seeks to create in our hearts?  The autumn rains in the valley of weeping can soften hearts and make them ready to receive the Word and be fruitful.  The springs and fountains of delight, pleasure, and joy along with the refreshing, nourishing rains that soften the hardened ground make the trek through the valley a journey from strength to strength.  This word, strength, is “hayil” in Hebrew and it means “resources, ability, and might” (3).  Do you see?  God uses the valley to bring joy in Him- not generated by our circumstances.  He brings delight, not in the location, but in His Presence.  He brings growth because of the believer’s focus and reliance on Him, not on the situation or location.  He draws the traveler to Himself and in doing so, the situation and location become secondary.

Finally, the destination of walking through the valley is the anticipation of standing before God, in His presence.  Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your Presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.”  If our heart is set on pilgrimage to God’s presence and Jesus is our Guide and Companion, there is strength and joy in the journey because we know the valley isn’t the destination, nor does it hold what we’re seeking, and there is so much more that awaits us.  We will ALL stand before the Lord, whether we intend that as our destination or not.  It is determined beforehand for us.  

How will we pray for our sons and daughters in their faith journey?  Will we pray the valley is short and the weeping is minimal?  That’s likely and why wouldn’t we? God understands our parent-heart well.  But, maybe we should pray that the focus of our son or daughter is Jesus alone and that He would be their source of joy, delight and strength.  And maybe, just maybe, we should pray for autumn rains that soften the ground of their hearts so they can receive the Word of God and bear fruit.  Perhaps we should pray that their journey is not just a short one, but is one of moving from strength to strength until they appear before God in Zion and that ultimately, they would hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

Let’s pray that the valley is a place of blessing and growth and that if He wills, the Lord would allow us a window on all of it while we lift our sons and daughters in prayer.  There are features of the valley experience that can lead us and our sons and daughters to a stronger, more certain faith.  And yes, even deep joy. That’s how we can pray effectively and fervently for their journey.

Pray without ceasing.

1. H835 - 'ešer - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

2. H4599 - maʿyān - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

3. H2428 - ḥayil - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Psalm 145:8-12

8 The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.

Oh, Lord.  We are grateful for Your grace- it is so much more than we deserve.  Your compassion is overwhelming to us, sinful as we are. You hear the cry of the afflicted, the cry of Your image-bearers and You answer with perfectly designed responses for each one.  No cry goes unheard.  No cry goes unanswered.   Thank You that You hear us and that You care.   When You  reach down and pull us out of the pit, Your grace and compassion are at work.  You set our feet on a rock, with our heads high above our enemies. Even when we were still in our sin, You loved us and ransomed us.  Thank You for your plentiful, steadfast love.   And thank You that Your anger is slow to kindle- I know we press in and test the boundaries far too often and we ought to receive Your wrath, but instead you show us your steadfast, plentiful love in the form of grace and compassion.   You can’t contradict Yourself.  Lord, help us to live worthy of You.   We are blessed by You in so many ways. Today, help (name) to see your grace and compassion and realize that it is present and plentiful for them. No sin is too great for You to forgive. No distance is too for for You to find them and help them return to You. Lord, show (name) Your rich love today.

9 The Lord is good to all;  He has compassion on all he has made.

Lord, when I look at this world and the ways people rail against You and defy You, I know we deserve nothing more than Your wrath.  But You are good to all, even to those who spit at Your name.  You are Good!  You nourish the earth with rain and sun.  You bring forth fruit and grain for us to enjoy.  You provide fellowship and protection.  And when it comes to Your children, You nurture and care for us so that we can serve You well.  Your compassion is akin to tender mercies- that of a parent cherishing, protecting and loving a growing child.  Even when we rebel, You love us.  Lord, I pray that You would help (name) to know Your love today.  May they reject the lies of this world and follow after You.  May they pursue You with their whole heart, overwhelmed by Your goodness and grace, convicted to live a life worthy of the love and mercy You so freely give.  Don’t let them go, Lord.  Chase after them with your goodness and mercy until they turn and follow you willingly and with joy.

10 All you have made will praise you, O Lord; your saints will extol you.

Heavenly Father, one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, yet even in that moment, not every heart will be surrendered to You.   I pray that  (name) would be fully surrendered, living a life of obedience to You.  I pray that (name) would praise You with their whole heart.  Lord, help them  sing with abandon, raising their hands to heaven in powerful praise of who You are and all that You do.  Let their hearts be full and overflowing with joy.  Lord, I pray that (name) would be counted among your saints, a child of the Most High God, counted worthy to escape everything coming in this world and worthy to  stand in glory with You, blessing Your name for all eternity.  Give them a head-start in that praise and blessing today and give (name) a glimpse of heaven so they are overwhelmed with the magnificence of what is to come- the promise of eternity with You.  Never let Your name leave (name)’s heart and mind.  May it always be on their lips, ready to share with those who need to know You.  

11 They will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might,

The glory of Your kingdom is more than we can explain with words, but I ask that You would  give us words that would help bring understanding to those who need to know You; those who need to understand that Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and they can be a part of it!.  Compel us to speak of Your power and might.  We want to stand in awe of You, Lord, and in so doing, leave others in awe of You as well.  I pray, Lord, that (name) would represent You well.  Let the legacy of our family bring glory to Your name.  Let our place in Your kingdom be a blessing to You and a testimony to others.  Lord, wreck us with Your glory and goodness so that we have no choice but to praise and extol Your Name to all that we meet.  Help each of us to put ourselves aside for the sake of Your plan and purpose.  May our lives radiate the glory of the Lord because we are continually seeking to follow after You with abandon.  Lord, help (name) to understand the importance of being sold out for Christ.

12 so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.

Burden us, Lord, for those who don’t know You.  Help us to grieve for those who live in bondage and darkness. Change our plans, get our attention, and use us to bring the gospel to those who need to know Jesus.  Give us words to share the wonder of Your mighty acts with those who don’t know.  Remind us of your grace, compassion and Your rich love that offers forgiveness and redemption so we can share that hope with others. Give us insight to explain just how glorious Your kingdom is and that You desire that we all have a room in Your house, so that where You are, we can be there too.  I pray that (name) would be homesick for You, Lord, and would take every chance to share the way Home with others who need Your hope and salvation.  I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.

Pray without ceasing

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Praying Psalm 145:1-4

This week we are going to pray through Psalm 145, verse by verse.  No devotional.  No extra thoughts.  Just praying God’s word and watching it work powerfully in and through us. 

Each day we’ll take a portion and pray it back to the Lord on behalf of our sons and daughters.

Journal what you see and learn this week as you pray. It will become a testimony for later days and future generations.

Psalm 145

1  I will exalt you, my God the King;

    I will praise your name for ever and ever.

Lord, I ask today that You would enable my sons and daughters to exalt You. Fill them with wonder at the thought of You.  Let their words and actions lift you high.  May their life bring glory to Your name.  I pray that they would deeply desire to live a life that honors You.  Give them strength to praise You forever and ever.

2 Every day I will praise you

    and extol your name for ever and ever.

Father, I pray that every day (name) would praise you.  Let praise fill their heart and spill out of their lips.  Let praise of You be a habit they will not abandon, because Your word says you inhabit the praise of your people.  May (name) bless You every morning as they see You work, and Lord, let them see you work, clearly and powerfully so they will never cease their praise and wonder of You.

3 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;

    his greatness no one can fathom.

You are worthy, Lord, of all our praise.  I pray that (name) would be amazed and in awe of Who You are and what You do.  Lord, never allow us to be satisfied with our knowledge and understanding of You, because that would mean we’ve stopped seeking more of You.  You are so much greater than we can imagine and understand.  Just as it is impossible to fathom the depths of the deepest seas, so Lord, it is even more impossible to fathom all of You- the immortal, invisible, almighty God.  

4 One generation will commend your works to another;

    they will tell of your mighty acts.

Oh, Lord, how I pray that my sons and daughters would commend your works to the next generation and that the legacy of believers would continue in our family. Let (name) tell of your mighty acts- all the wonderful ways You’ve provided, protected and led our family through danger, hardship and grief. Let (name) boldly share the blessings You’ve given. May the joy that You pour into to those who love You be evident in (name)’s life. Let my children, my grandchildren and their children after them know Jesus, love Him and commit their lives to Him. May our family be mighty in our faith and humble in our following and may You bless us with generations who will follow after You faithfully, in Jesus’ name, amen.

(Maybe you have a family heritage of believers, or maybe you are the start of that heritage- either way, pray that the Lord continues the testimony of His saving grace through your family. What a beautiful legacy to pass on!)

Tomorrow we’ll pray through verses 5-7

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Saturday Review

Today, read through our entire Psalm from this week and pray it over your sons and daughters.  Take your time.  Think about the power and promises in the words.  Know that God hears and will honor your prayers.

Psalm 144

Praise be to the Lord my Rock,

    who trains my hands for war,

    my fingers for battle. 

He is my loving God and my fortress,

    my stronghold and my deliverer,

my shield, in whom I take refuge,

    who subdues peoples under me. 

Lord, what are human beings that you care for them,

    mere mortals that you think of them?

They are like a breath;

    their days are like a fleeting shadow.

Part your heavens, Lord, and come down;

    touch the mountains, so that they smoke.

Send forth lightning and scatter the enemy;

    shoot your arrows and rout them.

Reach down your hand from on high;

    deliver me and rescue me

from the mighty waters,

    from the hands of foreigners

whose mouths are full of lies,

    whose right hands are deceitful.

I will sing a new song to you, my God;

    on the ten-stringed lyre I will make music to you,

to the One who gives victory to kings,

    who delivers his servant David.

From the deadly sword  deliver me;

    rescue me from the hands of foreigners

whose mouths are full of lies,

    whose right hands are deceitful. 

Then our sons in their youth

    will be like well-nurtured plants,

and our daughters will be like pillars

    carved to adorn a palace.

Our barns will be filled

    with every kind of provision.

Our sheep will increase by thousands,

    by tens of thousands in our fields;

    our oxen will draw heavy loads.

There will be no breaching of walls,

    no going into captivity,

    no cry of distress in our streets.

Blessed is the people of whom this is true;

    blessed is the people whose God is the Lord.

Take some time to write down some answers to prayer you’ve seen the Lord provide recently! Share with a friend. Encourage others- we are the Body of Christ and together we can be a mighty force!

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Prayer of Protection-Taking a Stand

Psalm 141:5-8

“Let a righteous man strike me—that is a kindness; let him rebuke me—that is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it, for my prayer will still be against the deeds of evildoers. Their rulers will be thrown down from the cliffs, and the wicked will learn that my words were well spoken.  They will say, “As one plows and breaks up the earth, so our bones have been scattered at the mouth of the grave.”  But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign LORD; in you I take refuge—do not give me over to death.”

The spiritual battles and deception that are going on today are strong.  The media pumps us with so many messages that defy the standard God sets. People fiercely fight for their rights even at the cost of others’ well being, safety and very lives.  They refuse to take responsibility for their actions and lack integrity in how they do business and life.  Society is so ‘me’ focused that there is little room to consider the ‘other’. 

Rather than take responsibility, we see people shifting blame and throwing others under the proverbial ‘bus’ to take the consequences. Rarely do we see anyone accept a rebuke, let alone accept it with a grateful heart. Daily we see the enemy’s lie of ‘self over all others’ and it is the tool he is using to destroy image bearers, both unbelievers and believers alike.

David likened a godly rebuke to being anointed with oil: a sacred act, a blessing and a sign of being set apart by God, chosen and appointed to a task. He was clear that he valued his integrity before God more than the opinion of others- especially the evildoers. He wouldn’t let word deter him from standing against evil. He was distressed and incensed at the actions of those who disregarded the Almighty God and he didn’t hide his strong opposition to their actions. He was more than willing to stand up to it and speak out against it. And he refused to allow their words against him to drive him to back down. Their rebuke meant nothing- it held no power against him because it held no measure of righteousness. He took a stand that would not compromise, no matter the opposition. Oh that our sons and daughters would have the strong conviction of David, set against evil!

We need to pray for divine spiritual protection and guidance over our sons and daughters.

  • Pray that our sons and daughters would be able to discern between Godly correction and evil oppression.

  • Pray against evildoers.  There are so many.  Keep them from influencing and harming our young men and women.  

  • Pray that our sons and daughters would have Godly wisdom and words to refute evildoers and stand against the enemy.  This highlights the need for them to remain in the Word and in Godly fellowship with other believers.

  • Pray that their eyes would remain fixed on the Lord and they would always seek and find their refuge in Him alone.

“Father, I come before You today and lift (name) to You.  Lord, let their heart remain soft to hear words of guidance and correction so they can be obedient to Your word.  Lord, don’t let them grow hardened but help them see the value of Godly guidance and appreciate those who would have courage to confront.  Lord, give them spiritual discernment to know when correction or criticism is righteous or an attack from the enemy. I pray that you would guard (name) against evildoers and the influence they have.  Lord, we know this is a battle that goes beyond just human influence and reaches into the spiritual realm.  I pray that Your angels would keep watch over (name) and guard them from the fiery darts of the enemy.  Shield them from evil, Lord.  I pray that they, too, would be compelled to pray against the evil they see in the world.  Don’t let them ‘settle’, become indifferent or turn a blind eye to the struggle.  Help them to stand up and pray against it.  Give them strength.  And if they’re confronted with evil, give them wisdom to know how to navigate the situation and wise words to speak to refute the deception.  Give them strength to stand strong in their faith and endurance to endure.  Lord, keep (name)’s eyes fixed on You.  Don’t let them look to the right or left.  Don’t let them fall to the wisdom of this world.  Be their refuge and strength, their very present Help in trouble.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.

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