Mercy, Delivered in Faithfulness and Righteousness

Psalm 143:1-2 A psalm of David. LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. Do not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living is righteous before you.

If any of us has a son or daughter who is not a believer, God’s mercy is likely the plea of our heart.  If we have a prodigal, God’s mercy is what we plead to bring them back to the family and back to the cross.  When we are watching our children make unwise and ungodly decisions, our hearts ache for God’s mercy in their lives and their recognition of what His mercy offers them.

David, in Psalm 143, cries out to God for mercy, appealing to His faithfulness and righteousness for deliverance.  Why is that?  It’s important to understand God’s attribtes and what they mean for us.

He IS faithful:

Firmness, steadiness, security (1)

   Established & trustworthy (2)

To support, be established, stand firm. (3)

When we cry out to God, we can be confident that He is steady, strong and secure.  He is trustworthy- He will always provide what is appropriate and necessary. He will not deceive and He will not do a ‘bait and switch’ on us.  His support is firm and reliable and is always what we need in every situation. When we cry out, His response is faithful.

And He is righteous:

Justice and righteousness in rule, morally and as an attribute of God (4)

To be just, have a just cause, to do or bring justice, vindicate (5)

God is the standard of righteousness.  When we appeal to Him, we know we are calling out to the Source of Truth and the model for all that is right.

Think about those attributes.  Our God, alone, is faithful.  His nature is the example of faithfulness, reliable in and out of season.  Everything points back to Him alone.  He is steady, secure and trustworthy.  He is righteous.  He alone determines what is right and true. Truth is not relative to a situation or an individual. Truth does not change, depending on circumstances.  God alone embodies moral rightness and determines and makes us righteous through His blood.

When we pray for our sons and daughters, do we stop and appeal to the perfect attributes of our God, resting and believing confidently in Who He is and what He is able to do, or do we simply list out our needs? 

Do we ponder from what aspects of God’s character those answers come?  Mindful prayer.  It can change our perspective and deepen our awe and fear of God.  

What is it that you long for as you pray for your sons and daughters today?  Rescue?  Protection?  Blessing and favor?  Any of the answers that God gives us emanate from His character and nature.

David appealed to God’s faithfulness and righteousness when He cried out for mercy, forgiveness and relief. Today, let’s appeal to God’s faithfulness and righteousness as we pray for the burdens we carry.  Trust that in His perfect character, He will answer completely and perfectly in His time.  Trust that He is faithful and righteous.

“Lord, today I cry out for mercy on (name)’s behalf.  You know where they are and what they are doing.  You know, better than I do, what they need and long for.  Lord, you know where their heart is.  I pray that they would be aligned with and committed to You.  Lord, don’t allow them to compromise or be pulled away by temptation.  Help them stand firm in their faith.  Have mercy, Lord, to ensure (name) walks faithfully with You.  Father, you understand a parent’s heart.  I plead with You today that you would protect and preserve (name) so they would stand with you in glory as one of Your own.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

1. H530 - 'ĕmûnâ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

2. H529 - 'ēmûn - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

3. H539 - 'āman - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

4. H6666 - ṣᵊḏāqâ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from 

5. H6663 - ṣāḏaq - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from 


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