Fight or Flight

Psalm 143:3-4 “The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground; he makes me dwell in the darkness like those long dead. So my spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed.”

Friends, the Enemy DOES pursue our sons and daughters.  Satan wants nothing more than to defeat believers and bring them down.  And nothing frustrates him more than young men and women on fire for God.

Romans 12:12 tells us one of the signature characteristics of a believer is being ‘devoted to prayer’.  What does that word ‘devoted’ mean?  According to Strong’s concordance (1) it is to be “steadfastly attentive to, continue all the time, be in constant readiness, give unremitting care” 

Friends, are we steadfastly attentive to pray for our sons and daughters?  And are we encouraging one another in that pursuit?  If we are truthful, we would probably say we’re not doing either as much as we should be.   And if not, we need to be prepared for what may ensue.

We must be intentional about prayer for our sons and daughters….and serious about it as well.  We have to choose to spend time in daily prayer...and then continue it throughout the day.  We need to pray for God’s divine protection over them.  Satan prowls about looking for who he can devour...not just annoy, but devour.  1 Peter 5:8 “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”  He seeks to crush any in his path. But here’s the thing.  Satan is not omnipresent.  He is limited in where he can be.  And he’s looking for an easy target.  Friends, if we are praying diligently, if we are steadfastly attentive to pleading for the protection of the Omnipotent Omnipresent God of the Universe over our sons and daughters, they will not be an easy target.  If we pray for God’s divine protection around them, and the armor of the Lord to guard and protect them, they will not be easily swallowed.  The Enemy will need to find another target. We can crush his efforts before He can bring us to defeat.

Today, lets pray that David’s words in Psalm 143:3-4 are not representative of what our sons and daughters experience.  Let’s diligently pray for God's protection over them.

Why not write a one-sentence prayer here...and together we can mightily hold up our sons and daughters, and one another as we pray for their protection.

“Lord, the enemy pursues us, yet we ask that you would help each of us stand firm. Surround (name) with Your divine protection today. Though the enemy would seek to crush them to the ground, we pray that You would help them stand firm. Don’t let them be an easy target. Bring scripture to mind that would help (name) take every thought captive. You have not given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. I pray that the enemy would not have any success to make (name) dwell in the darkness like those long dead. Strengthen (name’s) spirit and embolden their heart so that they can stand up against the enemy and be victorious. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray with diligence.  Pray without ceasing.

1. G4342 - proskartereō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (nasb95). Retrieved from


Praying in Desperation


Mercy, Delivered in Faithfulness and Righteousness