But, I Was Just Sitting There….

Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,”

The progression of Psalm 1:1 is insightful.  Look at each of the actions, walking, standing and sitting.  There is little argument one can make against someone’s association, and even guilt, if they are choosing to walk with those who are wicked.  They are present and participating.

Then, if we stand with someone, we’re still taking action, of sorts.  We are aligning ourselves with that person, giving our support and approval.  We’re taking a stand, making a point and being a part, not apart.

But sitting.  Hmmm.  One might argue “I was just sitting there….” Ah, but where we sit matters.  Someone who opts to fly first class sits in a place that, just by its designation, tells others that person has some measure of ‘importance’ or special privilege.  If someone purchases ringside seats at a boxing match, their seat location tells others they are interested and invested in what’s going on in the ring.

So when we sit in the company of others…mockers, we’re part of their group and we are joining in on their companionship, even if we’re not actively participating.  We are associated by our choice of seat.  We could get up and move, but if we choose to remain seated, we choose to immerse ourselves in that company and the environment it creates...and we choose to be viewed as one of them.

Friends, we must pray pointedly and earnestly that our sons and daughters don’t just avoid walking with the wicked or standing in the midst of sin, but that they make the intentional choice to not sit with those who would mock Christ by their words, actions and values.  Let’s pray that their associations and locations would show others, without question, that they belong to Jesus.  We want them to get the ‘good seat’ that proactively aligns them with the Lord.

“Father, thank you for Your love and concern for us.  You so beautifully wrote your Word to us so that we would understand all You desire for us and all You ask of us.  Lord, I pray today that (name) would be very mindful of where they choose to sit and who they choose to align themselves with.  If they plant themselves without discretion, I pray, Holy Spirit, that You would make them uncomfortable so that they would get up and find another seat.  Lord, keep them from danger, keep them from evil, keep them from abiding others who would mock Your name.  When they take their seat, let it be with full intention to honor You with their life and their location.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.


Be a Mary.


Sunday Worship: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus