Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Presents or Presence?

In this season of giving gifts and celebrating Christ’s birth with family and friends, we look forward to time spent together.  If given the chance, most parents would likely say they would prefer seeing their children on the holidays versus receiving a gift from them.  The gift is thoughtful, but having our son home for a visit, or eating together with our daughter, sharing conversation with our children and enjoying one another’s company means so much more.  The relationship takes precedence over the gift.  A gift can be thoughtful, but it doesn’t embody the person.  It doesn’t talk to us or give the warmth of affection, personality, or life.  It’s a gesture, not a relationship.

Much like an absentee parent might ply their child with expensive gifts to try and make up for their absence, too often we try to do the same with God with our acts of service, our ‘checklist of righteousness’, our talents and offerings. Yet we sometimes withhold the very thing He wants most- our heart. 

The child is not fooled, and neither is God.

God doesn’t crave substitutions.  He doesn’t desire our sacrifices for Him in lieu of our being with Him.  He wants our presence, not our presents.  He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.  All the riches of Creation are His.  He lacks nothing and there is nothing out of His reach, beyond His ability or budget.  The one thing He wants is our hearts.  And that, friends, is the one thing we can withhold from Him, if we choose not to surrender.  Oh, our heart’s cry should be that our sons and daughters surrender to the Lord with their whole heart- no compromise, no negotiation, no cheap substitutions, but an authentic relationship with God Most High.

God longs for us to abide in Him, to spend time in prayer, to commune with Him, rest in His Presence and find shelter, peace, and assurance in Him.  When we opt to ‘do’ and ‘give’ and think that God should be impressed and delighted, we miss the point. Our gifts do not take the place of the relationship with Him.  Nor do they make up for our shortcomings, failures, willful defiance, or conscious sin.  God wants our being more than our doing.  Doing without being found in Him is empty and really, it’s false religion.

King Saul did that very thing.  He opted to do as He wished and give gifts to God to make up for His rebellion.  But God saw through his ruse.  God didn’t accept the gifts.  And Saul’s willful defiance and attempt at ‘doing’ sacrifice versus ‘being’ obedient brought his downfall and his death.

1 Samuel 15:22-23 “Samuel said, “Does the LORD have as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than a sacrifice, And to pay attention is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as reprehensible as the sin of divination, And insubordination is as reprehensible as false religion and idolatry. Since you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king.”


What do we want most from our children this Christmas?  We want them to follow Jesus- willingly and passionately.  We don’t want them going through the motions, acting the part.  We don’t want dramatic sacrifices that make big impressions on others.  We don’t want lavish displays of talent ‘all for the glory’.  We long to see authentic faith being lived out every day.  We want to see our sons and daughters crave time with Jesus.  We want to see fruit that gives evidence of a heart surrendered to Him.  We want to see them living in the Presence of the Almighty God and Savior and, in turn, living a life that is a gift to Him, all day every day.  Fully surrendered and loving Him intentionally and authentically.  A present is short-lived.  It often doesn’t fit, or we already have it.  Soon after the holidays it may find itself on a pile to donate or put in a drawer or closet, to be forgotten until another time.  But Presence doesn’t wear out.  Presence brings a warmth and memory that endure.  Presence is investment in the life of another by way of time spent, words spoken, arms extended and  hearts knit together.  This season, let’s pray that our sons and daughters practice presence with God, intentionally, authentically, and regularly- not just for this season, but for every day of their life.  

“Holy Father, You make it clear your expectations of us.  Yet too often we try and negotiate the terms.  We try to do things our way, substitute gifts for obedience, acts of service for submission, and sacrifice in lieu of surrender to You.  Lord, I know you see (name)’s heart.  You see through the facade that we all put up and You see to the heart- the true condition of what lies there, our loyalties and our cravings, our willful sins and those that are hidden.  Lord, I pray that You would speak clearly to (name) today.  Holy Spirit, call them into fellowship with You.  Open their eyes to recognize the emptiness of things and actions without Jesus.  Help them crave time with You.  Let their ‘being’ in Christ motivate their ‘doing’ that gives evidence of fruit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  A selfish heart can’t produce those, only a heart that is truly surrendered to You.  Lord, have your way with (name).  May they give You their whole heart, every day, without reservation, so that You, in turn, can give them abundant life.  Lord, I pray that You would give me the gift of seeing (name) follow after You authentically and intentionally from this point onward.  Lord, do a work in (name)’s heart and life.  May You be pleased with them and may it be for Your honor and glory, in Jesus’ name, amen.

On a personal note…

Thank you for following along in 2024.  It’s been a joy to have you all read and pray- I know God is working in our sons and daughters, and He’s working in our hearts, too!

I will be taking a brief break to spend time with my own sons and daughters for the next couple of weeks.  But don’t worry, Join the PAC Prayer will be back in 2025 with more devotionals and prayers….and a NEW BOOK releasing on Amazon soon!! - Stay tuned for updates on the new title: 40 Days of Prayer for the Prodigal.

“For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” Romans 11:36

I pray you have a blessed celebration of Christ’s birth and a wonderful new year.  Look ahead and be excited about what God is doing!  He is moving and working and I’m confident He will show us great things in the year to come!  

Pray without ceasing!

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Authentic Rest

As parents, our lives are crazy-busy, right?  We’re continuously running after something, putting out fires, or trying to stay two steps ahead.  It’s exhausting.  As our sons and daughters become adults, the ‘busy’ doesn’t stop, it just shifts to other things.  Then, we watch as our kids juggle,and run, and try to keep up.  It doesn’t stop.  Many will admit they’re in desperate need of rest.  But so few know how to actually embrace and enjoy authentic rest.  Where do we find it?  How can we get it?

Jesus said, ““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.””  Matthew 11:28   Could it really be that simple?

Come to me all you who are weary.  That word “weary” is the word “kopiao” in Greek and it means “exhausted with toils and burdens” (1), but it’s from the root word “kopos” which means “a beating, intense labor united with trouble and toil” (2)  It’s true.  Sometimes we feel as if life is giving us a beating…and each day compounds with the next until we’re barely able to cope.  We’re not thriving.  We are weary.  

But that’s not all.  We’re not just weary, we’re burdened.  The Greek word is “phortizo” which means loaded with spiritual anxiety, burdensome requirements  (3).   Jesus was addressing the rules of the Jews- so burdensome that no one could ever measure up.  But today, we are often burdened by the unrealistic examples set before us, the ‘influencers’ who look as if they have it all together, success at work, brilliant happy children, a beautiful home and the perfect figure…both in income and body.  They have it all together and we just can’t measure up.  We feel defeated.  And it’s not just in the world, it’s in the church.  We’re loaded with unrealistic man-made expectations that weigh us down. 

Jesus calls us to come to Him.  That’s the first step in pursuing rest.  We need to make the choice.  We choose so many of the ‘cares’: care-giver, care-taker, self-care, healthcare…but we often forget soul care.  And that, friends, is where the weariness settles into our hearts and minds and weighs on us like no other burden can.  We need to stop looking all around us and simply look to Him.  We need to come.  We don’t need to bring a gift, prepare a meal, or get all ‘gussied up’.  We come as we are.  That’s how Jesus wants us.

And what will happen when we come?  Oh, when we come, He promises rest.  The word ‘rest’ in Greek is “anapauo” which means “to cause or permit one to cease from any movement or labor in order to recover and collect his strength; to keep quiet, of a calm and patient expectation” (4)  It is rooted in two other words: ‘ana’ - into the midst, or to cause motion upward (5) and ‘pauo’- to make to cease and desist, to refrain a person from something (6).  Jesus steps into the midst of our busy crazy life and brings a pause and calls us upward, to Him.  He calls us to stop and recover.  He calls us from burning ourselves out with all of the ‘doing’ and to pause and enjoy ‘being’ in His Presence.

Oh, don’t we long to have someone say to us “Come here so you can just stop and rest, lay down your burdens and worries and take time to recover and collect your strength., enjoy the calm and take your time, there’s no rush”? Breathe that in for a moment, friends.  THAT is rest!  And that’s what Jesus promises us.  We don’t have to earn it.  We don’t need to buy it.  There are no prerequisites.  Jesus’ rest is free for those who come.  Far too often, we’re rushing to and fro, so much so, that we can’t stop… we don’t stop…and we bemoan our weariness and wish someone would allow us time to rest and would give us refreshment for our body, mind and soul.  Jesus has.  He does.  

We set examples for our sons and daughters in so many things…but have we shown them how to properly, intentionally rest?  Have we communicated that rest is not laziness and that soul-care is not selfish?  Have we lived  “coming to Jesus and resting” so they can see it modeled?  

Friends, let’s pray today that we and our sons and daughters learn how to Come to Jesus with our weariness and step away from unrealistic  expectations.  Let’s pray that we allow Jesus to step into the midst and reminds us to cease our striving and simply rest in Him.  Let’s enjoy the calm of sitting with Jesus and not rush on to the next thing.  Let’s take enough time that we recover our strength for what He’s calling us to, not running after what the world tells us we need to do.  Jesus will give us rest.  We need to be intentional to step into it.

“Father, You call us to come to You for rest, yet we seem to struggle with that.  We crave relief and recovery, yet we look everywhere else but to You.  We fall into the trap of busyness and always ‘doing’ but we struggle to just ‘be’ in your Presence.  Help us today to come to You to rest.  Give us refreshment.  Unburden our hearts and minds and still our restless spirits. I pray that You would help me model this well to others, especially to (name).   Lord, I pray that (name) would learn quickly to look to Jesus for the remedy for their weary body, mind and soul.  Don’t let us be distracted by the pace of this life or discouraged by influencers who would set unrealistic standards.  You are the Standard.  Let us look to You, only, and trust that You are working in us to fulfill Your plan in Your time.  Lord, give us willing hearts to follow after You and rest in You.  Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Heb. 13:20-21)

Pray without ceasing.

1. G2873 - kopos - Strong's Greek Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

2. G2873 - kopos - Strong's Greek Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

3. G5412 - phortizō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

4. G373 - anapauō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

5. G303 - ana - Strong's Greek Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from 

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

But, I Was Just Sitting There….

Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,”

The progression of Psalm 1:1 is insightful.  Look at each of the actions, walking, standing and sitting.  There is little argument one can make against someone’s association, and even guilt, if they are choosing to walk with those who are wicked.  They are present and participating.

Then, if we stand with someone, we’re still taking action, of sorts.  We are aligning ourselves with that person, giving our support and approval.  We’re taking a stand, making a point and being a part, not apart.

But sitting.  Hmmm.  One might argue “I was just sitting there….” Ah, but where we sit matters.  Someone who opts to fly first class sits in a place that, just by its designation, tells others that person has some measure of ‘importance’ or special privilege.  If someone purchases ringside seats at a boxing match, their seat location tells others they are interested and invested in what’s going on in the ring.

So when we sit in the company of others…mockers, we’re part of their group and we are joining in on their companionship, even if we’re not actively participating.  We are associated by our choice of seat.  We could get up and move, but if we choose to remain seated, we choose to immerse ourselves in that company and the environment it creates...and we choose to be viewed as one of them.

Friends, we must pray pointedly and earnestly that our sons and daughters don’t just avoid walking with the wicked or standing in the midst of sin, but that they make the intentional choice to not sit with those who would mock Christ by their words, actions and values.  Let’s pray that their associations and locations would show others, without question, that they belong to Jesus.  We want them to get the ‘good seat’ that proactively aligns them with the Lord.

“Father, thank you for Your love and concern for us.  You so beautifully wrote your Word to us so that we would understand all You desire for us and all You ask of us.  Lord, I pray today that (name) would be very mindful of where they choose to sit and who they choose to align themselves with.  If they plant themselves without discretion, I pray, Holy Spirit, that You would make them uncomfortable so that they would get up and find another seat.  Lord, keep them from danger, keep them from evil, keep them from abiding others who would mock Your name.  When they take their seat, let it be with full intention to honor You with their life and their location.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.

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