Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

But, I Was Just Sitting There….

Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,”

The progression of Psalm 1:1 is insightful.  Look at each of the actions, walking, standing and sitting.  There is little argument one can make against someone’s association, and even guilt, if they are choosing to walk with those who are wicked.  They are present and participating.

Then, if we stand with someone, we’re still taking action, of sorts.  We are aligning ourselves with that person, giving our support and approval.  We’re taking a stand, making a point and being a part, not apart.

But sitting.  Hmmm.  One might argue “I was just sitting there….” Ah, but where we sit matters.  Someone who opts to fly first class sits in a place that, just by its designation, tells others that person has some measure of ‘importance’ or special privilege.  If someone purchases ringside seats at a boxing match, their seat location tells others they are interested and invested in what’s going on in the ring.

So when we sit in the company of others…mockers, we’re part of their group and we are joining in on their companionship, even if we’re not actively participating.  We are associated by our choice of seat.  We could get up and move, but if we choose to remain seated, we choose to immerse ourselves in that company and the environment it creates...and we choose to be viewed as one of them.

Friends, we must pray pointedly and earnestly that our sons and daughters don’t just avoid walking with the wicked or standing in the midst of sin, but that they make the intentional choice to not sit with those who would mock Christ by their words, actions and values.  Let’s pray that their associations and locations would show others, without question, that they belong to Jesus.  We want them to get the ‘good seat’ that proactively aligns them with the Lord.

“Father, thank you for Your love and concern for us.  You so beautifully wrote your Word to us so that we would understand all You desire for us and all You ask of us.  Lord, I pray today that (name) would be very mindful of where they choose to sit and who they choose to align themselves with.  If they plant themselves without discretion, I pray, Holy Spirit, that You would make them uncomfortable so that they would get up and find another seat.  Lord, keep them from danger, keep them from evil, keep them from abiding others who would mock Your name.  When they take their seat, let it be with full intention to honor You with their life and their location.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

It Matters Where You Sit

Psalm 26:4-5 “I do not sit with the deceitful, nor do I associate with hypocrites. I abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked.” 

Remember the days of walking into a restaurant and hearing the hostess ask “smoking or non-smoking?”   The restaurant tried to separate those who did not want to be exposed to the smoke and smell, so we had a choice of where we wanted to sit.  But sometimes, the ‘non-smoking’ section was just the very next table...there was no wall or separate room, just an invisible ‘line’ determining the difference between smoking and non-smoking.  The smoke still drifted over and the smell permeated the air. The food, the clothing, even the hair smelled like smoke despite the fact that no one at your table was smoking.  When that happened, the waitress was called over and the whole group moved, once again, to find a spot where the air was clear and the meal wouldn’t be ruined.  Where we sat mattered.  

Friends, where we ‘sit’ in life matters too.  Even if we’re simply ‘present’, but not participating, we’re surrounded by what goes on around us.  If we sit by the side of the pool, we’re bound to be splashed.  The excuse of ‘well, I’m not swimming...I’m not IN the pool’, doesn’t work.  If we choose to place ourselves in the company of others who make poor moral decisions, use coarse language, and live like the world, we’re choosing to passively align ourselves with, and show approval for those things.  One cannonball will leave you soaked and, swimming or not, you’re all wet.  You look like you’ve been swimming.  There is little that distinguishes you from others who are actually in the pool.  Where you sit matters.

And we don’t need to be mindful of just the ‘world’.  There are plenty of discretionary opportunities in the church and among believers, or those who claim to be. Not all who claim to be believers will live like they are. Some ‘talk’ a good game, but their words and life are a twisted mess of deception.  They use their power, position and words to manipulate and control.  They speak to gain a following, not to honor Jesus.  They tickle the ears but darken the heart.  The love of Christ is absent.  When we choose to sit under these people, to listen, learn and follow, we risk dampening the voice of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.  When we sit too close, our ears and hearts grow numb to Truth.  Where we sit matters.

Today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters choose their seats well.  Let’s pray that they do not sit with the wicked, opting to be present and surrounded by darkness.  Let’s pray that they have discretion to sit under teaching that is Biblical and God-honoring, not just what ‘sounds good’ or ‘looks pretty’.  Let’s pray that they choose to sit at the feet of Jesus and with those who love Him and want to live for Him.

*Disclaimer* This does not mean we cease to be salt and light to those who are unbelievers.  This does NOT mean we cloister ourselves to remain ‘untainted’ by the world.  We’re not called to live in a ‘bubble’.  But there is a difference between going out, sitting down and engaging with others who need the Lord and who need to *see* God in us, vs. choosing to align oneself with people and activities that do not please the Lord, excusing bad behavior and acting without wisdom or discretion.  We’re called to be in the world, but not of it. 1 John 2:15-17 “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.”

Pray for discretion.  Pray that our sons and daughters choose their seats well.  It matters where they sit.

Pray without ceasing.

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Don’t Just Sit There…

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

What do we do when we sit?  Really?  Think about it.  Sitting is usually a pretty passive event.  Oh, we sit and work, sure, but other times, we just plop down and we ‘sit’, but do very little.  

In the book of Deuteronomy, God had some other ideas about what the Israelites could do with all that ‘down time’.

The Israelites were just about ready to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land.  But before they stepped foot in the land, God wanted to remind them of the most important things they needed to embrace, remember and practice.  He instructed Moses to give them commands and decrees so that their children, grandchildren and generations to come would always remember and always fear the Lord, who did so many miracles on their behalf.

And what were those commands?  Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength.  

And how were they to remember?  

  • These commands are to be on your hearts

  • Impress them on your children

  • Talk about them when you sit at home & when you walk along the road

  • Talk about them when you lie down and when you get up.

  • Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads

  • Write them on your doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

God was trying to tell the Israelites that He wanted to be a part of their conversation throughout the day, regardless of what they did or where they went.  Even when they sat at home, He was there and, friends, He’s with us as well when we’re sitting at home, or in the car, or wherever we plant ourselves.  Will we make him a part of our conversation?  

Here’s an interesting observation. The word ‘sit’ in our English language means to physically ‘sit’ with our backside in a chair, but it also means to ‘be present’ as in babysit, housesit, dogsit, etc.  It’s a companionship of sorts. God wants that companionship with us- and He wants to be the topic of conversation.

Today, when you sit down, think through the three letters of the word ‘sit’: “S”  stop, “I” inquire of the Lord, and “T” talk to HIm. Then, go on and talk to the Lord.  Pray for your sons and daughters that they, too, would take time to sit and talk to the Lord.  Pray that they would love the Lord their God with all their heart, all their soul and all their strength.  And pray that His commands would be on their hearts so that whatever they choose to do, He is present and preeminent in their thoughts and in their hearts.

“Lord, too often we sit and do ‘nothing’.  Too often we let our minds wander to empty things.  Or, we let clutter in and it crowds out what You're trying to say.  I pray that today, as (name) sits down, you would bring a peace to their heart and a reminder to their mind to spend time in prayer with You.  Help them to stop, inquire, and talk to You.  Help them to love you with all their being.  Lord, I pray that their relationship with You would deepen so they’re longing to spend time in talking, praying and listening to You.  Let them sit in Your presence and soak in the Truths of Who You are and What a relationship with You truly means.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.

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