Where are you standing?

Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the one

    who does not walk in step with the wicked

or stand in the way that sinners take

    or sit in the company of mockers,”

Have you ever been to a concert or sporting event?  The crowd gathers outside, waiting for the venue to open.  All around are people standing and waiting, pressing closer and jostling for position.  When the moment comes and the doors open, the crowd starts moving-pushing, and, ready or not, you’re carried along with them.  You couldn’t resist if you wanted to.  The force of the group is too strong to push against and, like it or not, you’re headed in a direction that may, or may not be where you want to go.

Or, maybe you’re standing in the aisle of a store, looking ‘smart’ and someone mistakes you for a store employee.  They approach you and ask about inventory or a question about the merchandise.  All you were doing was standing there, but your location and stance gave the appearance of belonging and participation.

Oh, and then there are those who get arrested for their proximity to the crime.  “But, I was just standing there!”  That doesn’t serve as a valid excuse and it doesn’t exonerate that person.  Their ‘standing’ was interpreted as ‘participation’ and they were implicated along with those who were actively participating in the crime.  “Just standing” can be “just dangerous”.

As parents, we have all kinds of warnings for our kids “Don’t stand too close to the edge!” “Don’t stand in the street!” “Don’t stand too close to the fire!” “Don’t stand on that chair- it’s not strong enough!” But, friends, it’s not just the physical location about which we need to warn them. Our sons and daughters need to be mindful of where they stand spiritually as well.

Does their location give the appearance of supporting something questionable or ungodly?

Are they surrounded by others who will ‘carry’ them along into things that are not wise or perhaps spiritually dangerous?

Have they chosen to stand where they might be mistaken for someone who does not stand on Godly principles?

How, where and with whom we stand is important.  Let’s pray today that our sons and daughters are mindful of these and they don’t stand in the way that sinners take lest they find themselves on a road that leads away from the Lord.

“Lord, I pray for (name) today. Give them strength to stand in wise places where they will represent You well. Encourage them, Lord, to step away from people, places, and events that would challenge their testimony or tempt them to sin. I pray that You would give them good discretion, make their spiritual feet strong to hold them steady in the tide of evil that is pulling us more each day. Father, I pray that (name) would stand with You and not crumble to or be carried off by the ‘crowd’ of popular opinion. I pray this all in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Pray without ceasing.


Pray it again!


Stand Firm, Be Courageous