Stand Firm, Be Courageous

1 Corinthians 16:13 “ Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”

The 2015 movie “Cinderella” was a remake of the classic Disney story.  It included visually stunning sets and characters that pulled us into the story.  Of course, the protagonist met opposition, unkindness, cruelty and injustice.  That’s part of what made the story memorable.  She rose above, despite all of the hardships.  In the midst of the struggle, Cinderella remembered the words of her beloved mother, “Always be courageous and kind”.  Those words set the tone for her reactions and responses and they were foundational to her character.  Despite the hardships, she remained courageous and kind.  Yes, it was just a movie, but there were some valuable lessons shared and, more than just a storybook ending, the morals of forgiveness and kindness were evident.

Our lives don’t resemble a storybook.  We can’t script how others respond nor can we craft the plot twists in our favor.  But we have a good Father who has given us words of wisdom to live by.  It’s not complicated.  We need to pray that our sons and daughters would:

  1. Be on their guard- the Enemy wants to pull them down.  They need to be aware, be ready, and put on that spiritual armor.

  2. Stand firm in the faith- they have to know what they believe and how to defend their faith

  3. Be courageous- they will face oppression and opposition.  But God is with them.  They need to believe it!

  4. Be strong- God is on their side!  He will equip them for the battle- and there will be battles.  They need to grow in their faith and be rooted in Scripture.  

Our Heavenly Father is with us and watches over us.  Jesus has planned a glorious future for us.  The Holy Spirit lives in us, teaches us and comforts us.  So, despite the hardship of this temporal life, we can trust that God is working everything out for our good and His glory.  Why not  commit 1 Corinthians 16:13 to memory today….and encourage your sons and daughters to memorize it as well.  

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.   

Pray without ceasing.


Where are you standing?


Therefore, Stand Firm