Wait for it….

Isaiah 30:18 “Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.”


The Lord waits to be gracious to us.  He waits...for us.  Strong’s Concordance says that the Hebrew word for wait also means to ‘long for’ (1)  He ‘tarries’.  He doesn’t want us to miss his mercy, so He waits.  Friends, think about that.  


But, He doesn’t just wait, He exalts Himself.  He makes His greatness known.  He needs no other to announce His greatness.  His position does not depend on His followers.  He alone is worthy and is exalted above all.  We have a great and mighty God who is without rival or comparison and He raises Himself up in order to show….mercy.  Not His power.  Not His might.  But His mercy.  Oh, friends, our God contradicts all of the expectations of this world for His glory and our good. 


Blessed are those who wait for Him.  Today, let’s pray together that we all, as believers, would wait for God’s justice and would look for His mercy.  Let’s pray that our sons and daughters would appreciate His patience and would realize the blessing of His mercy, held for them by a God who is willing to wait.


Let’s pray too that this world sees the mercy God extends and would grab hold of it and of Him.  

Why not print this verse out and meditate on it today.  There is so much richness in this scripture- don’t miss out on it because you’re in a hurry.  Tarry here and consider His mercy.


Pray without ceasing.

  1. H2442 - ḥāḵâ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h2442/kjv/wlc/0-1/


Saturday Review


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