Saturday Review

Once again, lets review our prayer points from the week and pray over them one more time. “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16b

Pray Hebrews 4:16 over our sons and daughters, “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”  Ask the Lord to help them draw near to Him and be willing and expectant to receive His mercy and grace.


Take a look at that list you made this week of the most unlikely people to be prayed over.  Pray for them again, sincerely.  Pray for those you struggle to love.  Pray for those whose actions repulse you.  Pray for those who seem too far gone to ever be saved.   “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”  Pray for them by name or affiliation and ask God to work in hearts and minds.  Ask Him to let them see Jesus.  His mercy is great.  Be willing to plead His mercy for others and pray that our sons and daughters would be willing to do the same.



Pray that our sons and daughters are the aroma of life because of God’s mercy shown to them.  Pray that they fully grasp the greatness and beauty of God’s mercy and all it has rescued them from.  Pray that they have a heart for the lost, to pray and share the gospel to those who are dying.  


Ask the Lord to help our sons and daughters realize the wonderful forgiving mercy of our Lord and Savior.  In their failures and shortcomings, His mercy is great and it’s what they need to continue moving forward, accomplishing what God has planned for them.  


Pray that we, as believers, would wait for God’s justice and would look for His mercy in even the most difficult and painful situations.  Let’s pray that our sons and daughters would realize the blessing of His mercy, held for them and showered on them by a God who is willing to wait and show patience.

Pray without ceasing.


Sunday Worship-His Mercy is More


Wait for it….