Stand by the Sea

Exodus 14:13-14 ”Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.  The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.””

Do our sons and daughters stand firm when they face opposition?  Oh, the Israelites could write a book on this (well, they kinda did).  They faced opposition often, they were the underdog in so many fights, yet, with God on their side, they had nothing to fear.

So, when Pharaoh let the Israelites go from Egypt, his agreement was for a brief moment, then he quickly changed his mind.  Yet, that was part of God’s plan.

He rallied the chariots and horses, commanded his troops and they set off after the Israelites to drag them back to Egypt and a life of slavery.  But, the pursuit was part of God’s plan.

When the Israelites reached the shores of the Red Sea, they had nowhere to go.  They were blocked by the Sea in front of them and had the Egyptian Army bearing down on them from behind.  It’s understandable that they would be afraid, sink to their knees in despair and assume the worst.  Yet, they had seen God act miraculously on their behalf already!  Moses’ command to stand firm and watch the Lord deliver was an invitation to stand on the front row and see God do amazing things.  

And amazing things DID happen.  God parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could walk across on dry land...of them!!  Many scholars estimate the Israelites numbered over 2 million.  Can you imagine 2 million men, women and children, along with their belongings, walking through the sea with walls of water on either side, not a muddy foot in the bunch?  Miraculous!!  

Each one reached the other side with dry, clean feet and a heart full of hope.  And when they were safely across, God threw the Egyptians into a tizzy, they panicked, they were confused...and then they were overcome by walls of water, no longer held back by supernatural hands.  

The Israelites only had to stand firm, believe that God would do it, and then watch while He did.

Too often we sink to our knees and focus on the trouble.  We look at the impossibilities rather than looking at our Omnipotent God.  Today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters would be emboldened by the knowledge that our God is Sovereign, Almighty and always present with them.   There is NO enemy that can overcome Him and no obstacle too great for Him to remove.  Pray that they see God part the Sea for them and know that He will fight for them, they need only stand and be still.

“Almighty God, Lord of the Universe, You have no rival and You have no equal.  There is none that could ever challenge You or  interfere with Your plan.  I pray that You would give (name) the courage to stand in faith and believe that You can and will work on their behalf.  I know they may be facing a Red Sea, yet You are mighty and able to part that sea and show them the way to deliverance.  If they see the enemy bearing down on them, help them to focus on You, not the threat.  Encourage them with Your faithfulness and power.  Remind them they are loved.  You have a plan and sometimes, when things look bleak, it’s not because You’ve forgotten, but because You want to show Yourself mighty and Sovereign.  Show yourself to (name) today.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Pray without ceasing.


A Firm Place to Stand


Saturday Review