Saturday Review

Today, take some quiet time to sit at the feet of Jesus and talk to Him.

Pray that our sons and daughters avoid walking with the wicked, would not stand in the midst of sin and would not sit with those who would mock Christ by their words, actions and values.  

Pray that their associations and locations would show others, without question, that they belong to Jesus. 

Let’s pray that our sons and daughters choose what is better and, each day, quietly sit with Jesus to listen to and learn from Him. 

Pray that in their ‘sitting’, our sons and daughters would know they are seen and loved by God.  They are never alone and they hold a value and purpose greater than they could truly comprehend.

Pray that they sit on the “Rock” and find rest in the Lord.  

Pray that Godly friends would uphold them and help carry the burden with them until the battle is won.

Pray that our sons and daughters would understand they don’t need to be strong on their own- God will sustain them and provide brothers and sisters in Christ to stand with them...and ask the Lord to help them accept that help, encouragement and support.

Finally, pray that our sons and daughters would live in adoration of Jesus, their Lord and Savior.

Pray without ceasing.


Stand by the Sea


He Sat Down