Sorrow over Sin

2 Corinthians 7:10  “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.”

This week we’re focusing on prayer for the wanderer and our scripture is aligned with the live teaching that will play tomorrow night (October 19) at 8pm.  There are SO many things we can and should pray for our sons and daughters.  Today, we’ll pray for sorrow over sin.

God wants us to see our sin for what it is… rebellion and disobedience against Him and His will for our lives.  It’s a selfishness that puts our fleshly desires above those spiritual boundaries and expectations that God put in place.  When we see our sin for what it is, we see that it breaks the heart of God.  If we truly love God, we’ll be broken over our selfish rebellion and we’ll desire to be back into right fellowship with Him.  Worldly sorrow only leads to death. It doesn’t bring that heart change that leads us from darkness into light and brings salvation. Worldly sorrow is drenched in darkness and has no power to transform us.

Pray that, if our sons and daughters are not walking with the Lord, the eyes of their heart would be opened to see how grievous their choices are and how much their sin and rebellion distances them from God.  Pray that Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation. Pray that they truly mourn and lament their sin. 

Pray without ceasing.


Praying for Change


Sunday Worship: A Hymn of Praise