Praying for Change

James 4:7-10

 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.  Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

What is it that we want most for our sons and daughters who are wandering...or straight up running away from the Lord?  We want change.  Honest, about-face, change of heart, mind and loyalty.  But let’s dig in deeper.  “Change” is a nebulous word.  Let’s get specific.

What is at the root of their wandering or living as a prodigal?  Often it’s rebellion, pride and selfishness.  Our human nature rebels against God’s authority.  We want to make our own rules and follow our own path.  We refuse to see how God’s boundaries are really the lines within which we will thrive and flourish.  The fertile soil, the protected land, the best irrigation and nourishment all lie within the boundaries God set for us.  He’s marked off the very best ‘land’ for us to enjoy.  Yet, we look longingly over the fence at what appears to be greener pastures.  And we insist on pressing against the fence until it gives way.  We want what we want….and we tell God “You’re not the boss of me!”.  Oh, but He is.

We run, we laugh and mock, we revel in our ‘freedom’ only to find that we are lost, hunted by the  Enemy and losing our ability to meet our own needs.  It is dark, empty and the smell of death surrounds us.  We reap the consequences of our ‘knowing better’ only to realize that we don’t.  But sometimes, sometimes we are so prideful we refuse, even then, to admit our fault.  We would rather sit in our own stench than submit to God.

But the remedy is simple and the change it brings is dramatic.  All we need to do is submit to God.  Submit and we will have the strength to resist the devil -he will flee!  Submit and God will draw near to us.  Submit and He will make us clean.  Oh that our sons and daughters would see the benefits of following the Lord.  But if they’re outside of God’s boundaries, they’re likely blinded to what is good and right because the Enemy has them in a stranglehold and bound in darkness.

Today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters are confronted with the awfulness of their sin and that they are grieved by it.  Pray that their hearts are broken over their pride, selfishness and rebellion.  Pray that they see their path only leads to death and they are terrified by it.  Pray that they truly mourn their slow death of sin.  Because scripture says, blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted Matthew 5:4.

Jesus brings life.  Jesus brings change!!  Oh that our sons and daughters would embrace that change by submitting to God and letting all that He holds for them become their inheritance.  Pray that they know life and freedom in Christ.  Pray for the change that will turn their eternity into one of hope, joy, light and life.

Pray without ceasing!!

Don’t forget to join us tonight for our final Bible Study connected to the Without Ceasing devotional book!! We’ll be digging deeper into Scripture and talking about how to pray for a prodigal child.

Just go to the link and join us at 8pm EST. Can’t join us then? No worries, the video will stay on youtube and you can watch it later…and share with a friend!


The Battle of the Mind


Sorrow over Sin