Saturday Review- Pray It Again

It’s Saturday and the day we review all of our prayer points from the week.

Here’s a recipe for God’s favor and protection: decide that we will faithfully pray for our sons and daughters, commit to do it each day, repeat often for best results.

Pray that our sons and daughters would:

  • Fear God - respect and be in awe and yes, truly fear Him- He is God, there is no rival or equal.

  • Walk in obedience to Him- not in rebellion, but to submit and walk in the ways that He ordained for them and obey by studying His Word.

  • Love the Lord- have true affection for Him

  • Serve Him with all their heart and soul- not half-hearted and not in name only.  

Pray that our sons and daughters would not walk with the ungodly but would be intentional each and every day to seek the Lord and His direction in their life.  

Pray for God’s protection over and around them today.

Pray that the spiritual eyes of our sons and daughters are opened to the light of Christ and that they truly discern those around them who are ‘fake’ Christians.

Also, pray that they can identify and run from false religions and false teachers trying to imitate light and vie for their affections.

Pray that the Holy Spirit stirs in their heart a desire to walk in true relationship with Christ.

Pray that our sons and daughters would be genuine brothers and sisters in Christ, part of the Body and welcome to celebrate the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Pray that they walk in integrity. 

Finally, pray that if our sons and daughters are taking ‘crooked paths’ that they would be found out.  Let them be caught in their compromise and called out on their dishonesty and deceit.  Whether they’re deceiving others or themselves, they need to face it, and change it. 

Pray without ceasing.


Sunday Worship


Crooked Paths