Crooked Paths

“Whoever walks in integrity walks securely,

    but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.”

Proverbs 10:9

There is so much in this world, this life, that pulls on us, tempts us to make little compromises here and there. We may think it’s not a big deal…it doesn’t matter that much… or does it? A ship that just takes on a ‘little bit of water’ here and there will eventually roll. It will capsize, totally flipping it’s orientation. We are much the same, before we know it, compromise flips our loyalties from God to self and our motivations change our our ‘non-negotiables’ turn from following the Lord to following what our sinful hearts crave.

Today, we’re going to keep it simple and effective.  Pray that our sons and daughters walk in integrity.  It’s important.  It reveals character and is a testimony to others that we are unwilling to compromise- our loyalties lie with the cross.

Then, pray that if our sons and daughters are taking ‘crooked paths’ that they would be found out.  Yes, let them be caught in their compromise and called out on their dishonesty and deceit.  Whether they’re deceiving others or themselves, they need to face it, and change it. 

“Father, I pray that You would guard (name)’s steps today.  Help them to walk with integrity and walk securely, guarded and guided by the Holy Spirit.  Lord, if (name) is taking crooked paths, I pray that they would be found out, even today.  Don’t let them continue in deceit and dishonesty.  You see their heart and mind.  I pray that they would learn to be loyal and true to You, most of all.  Let their life be a reflection of Jesus living in them.  In His name I pray, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.


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