Saturday Prayer Review

Don’t stop praying!! Even when we don’t see progress, God is working! Even when we can’t understand what He’s doing, He’s got a plan!! Trust. Pray. Believe.

Take time to name your worries and lay them before the Lord.  Remind yourself of God’s faithfulness and that He is the Creator who commands the wind and the waves.  He can calm the storm in our hearts and minds.  Meditate on the Lord’s faithfulness, strength and protection.  Trust Him with your precious ones and pray for them by name.

Pray for that our sons and daughters would walk faithfully with the Lord.  Pray for those who are wandering off or running away.  He knows what path they will take and, like a watercourse, He can and will direct it.  Remember, sometimes He allows us to follow our rebellion, but He’s still in control.  We need to trust Him and pray for softened hearts and ears that hear, eyes that see spiritual truth and minds that understand.  

Thank the Lord for all of the times He’s shown His faithfulness to you and to your family.  Recount the ‘Stones of Remembrance’ that will serve as reminders for future generations.

Pray Lamentations 3:22-23 for our sons and daughters today. “The LORD’S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”

Now, pray Psalm 33:4 “For the Word of the Lord is upright, And all His work is done in faithfulness.”  Thank the Lord for His faithfulness and ask Him to continue working in the hearts of your sons and daughters.

Pray without ceasing, friends.  God is faithful!


Sunday Worship: Great Is Thy Faithfulness


Daily, Abundant Faithfulness