Saturday Prayer Review

Prayer isn’t a ‘one and done’ event. We need to continually bring our praises, thank you’s, burdens and pleas to the Throne. God wants to have a constant communion with us, an open, honest, vulnerable conversation that allows Him into our deepest thoughts and concerns and builds a trust and understanding with Him. Today, review our prayer points for the week and lift them up to the Lord once again. Know that He hears and will answer in His perfect time.

  • Pray that each day God would  guide our sons and daughters steps.

  • Pray that our sons and daughters, first and foremost, would commit their lives to Jesus Christ and trust Him as their Lord and Savior

    • that they live for Jesus and not for themselves.  

    • that they would bear fruit that reflects His preeminence in their lives.

  • Pray that they keep in step with the Spirit- walking in the Way that He shows them, obeying what He calls them to do and honoring Him with their choices.

  • Pray for God’s protection over our sons and daughters.  

  • Ask God to help them be discerning and to love His Truth. 

  • Pray that the Lord would help them grow in wisdom and knowledge.

  • Pray that our sons and daughters would seek the Lord’s will for their life and follow the steps He’s planned for them.

  • Pray that our sons and daughters look to Jesus and follow after Him, walking as He did and measuring their steps to match His

Pray without ceasing.


How are they walking?


Follow His Steps