How are they walking?

Deuteronomy 5:33 “Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.”

Deuteronomy 10:12 “And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, “

It matters how we walk.  It matters where we walk.  When we’re mindful of our steps, we avoid danger and guard our safety. When we step outside of those parameters, we put ourselves at risk. Oh, we may think we’re fully in control, but there are factors we cannot control that make the danger greater. When our children were little, we didn’t let them run into the street. Yet as adults, some are doing just that in their spiritual lives.

We have to be mindful of how we live our lives and how and where we choose to ‘walk’. We can’t just claim Jesus’ name as an ‘identity’, a symbol of belonging or strategically-arranged social connection or spiritual insurance.  If we desire the good that God gives, we must be willing to submit to His commands and obey. He desires that we walk according to His Word and His will.

Jesus made it clear.  We need to walk in obedience.  There is no middle ground.  We must choose sides and we must walk with intentionality toward the cross, toward self-sacrifice, toward giving up our own desires in order to embrace Him.  It comes with a cost in this life, but with great reward in eternity.  The question is, will we trust Him?  Do we believe that He means what He says?  And if we do….do we live like it? Can other people discern where our loyalties lie by the way we walk?

God required Israel to:

  • Fear Him - respect and be in awe and yes, truly fear Him- He is God, there is no rival or equal.

  • Walk in obedience- not in rebellion, but to submit and walk in the ways that He ordained for them.

  • Love Him- have true affection for Him

  • Serve Him with all their heart and soul- not half-hearted and not in name only.  

And why did God require this of them?  Because they bore His name.  They were His nation, His children, and His chosen people.  He wanted to bless them extravagantly because He loved them. But they needed to obey.  It’s the same with us.  God so desires our obedience and allegiance to Him and He wants to bless us, spiritually. But we have to walk with Him. Ephesians 1:3 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”

What do we most desire for our sons and daughters, really?  Where have we focused our encouragement of them?  A degree?  A job?  A relationship?  An income?

Friends, THE most important thing we need to do is encourage our sons and daughters to honestly walk with the Lord, to love Him and to serve Him.  

When we stand before the Throne, nothing else will matter.  Nothing.  Either they love Him, or they don’t. Either they give their heart to Him, or they are an enemy of the cross. There is no middle ground….and they cannot claim our faith. They must make it their own.  How and where they spiritually walk right now is important- it has eternal consequences.

Do you have a sense of urgency?  You should. Time is short.  

Today, let’s pray that list for our sons and daughters, pray in all seriousness and with a sense of urgency.  The enemy wants to steal the hearts of this next generation.  Let’s do everything we can to stand in the gap and plead God’s protection and preservation over them.  Pray that our sons and daughters would:

  • Fear Him - respect and be in awe and yes, truly fear Him- He is God, there is no rival or equal.

  • Walk in obedience- not in rebellion, but to submit and walk in the ways that He ordained for them and obey by studying His Word.

  • Love Him- have true affection for Him

  • Serve Him with all their heart and soul- not half-hearted and not in name only.  

Pray without ceasing.


Don’t Be Directionally Challenged


Saturday Prayer Review