Pray it Again- Saturday Review

It’s Saturday and time to go back and review our prayer points from this week.  We should go through each one, praying once again for our sons and daughters.  Friends, we’re doing a mighty work!!  Don’t lose heart!!  God is faithful to hear each one of our prayers.  Believe.  Trust.  Wait in eager expectation! Begin the day again with focused prayer to the Savior.

Today, let’s pray for our sons’ and daughters’ personal Bible study time.  Pray that the Holy Spirit stirs in their hearts and works in them to give them a hunger and thirst for God’s Word.  Pray that their wisdom and discretion are sharpened so that they operate in the grace and knowledge of Jesus and that they can identify and reject ungodly teaching.  Pray that they are alert and sober-minded, spiritually, so they are not caught off guard or deceived by the enemy and his operatives.  

Pray that our sons and daughters would call on Jesus to sustain them through whatever He calls them to and trust that He will do it, and believe that they will be presented blameless before Him.


Pray that our sons and daughters add to their faith goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection and love so they will be effective and productive in their knowledge of Jesus.  Pray 2 Peter 1:5-8 out loud, putting in your son or daughter’s name and claiming these promises on their behalf. “For this very reason, [name] make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if [name] possesses these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep {name] from being ineffective and unproductive in their knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Pray that our sons and daughters begin making an honest, committed effort to pursue the heart of Jesus.  Let’s pray for fruit that shows us they are a believer who is growing in their walk with the Lord.  Pray that they would not stumble. Pray that they would be counted as one worthy of escaping all that is coming on this earth and would stand before Jesus redeemed as one of His own.

Pray for a hedge of protection around our sons and daughters and for visible spiritual growth in their lives:

Pray that they are wise and discerning.  

Pray that they do not compromise. 

Pray that they stand firm, confident and unwavering in their faith in Jesus, having confidence in the Truth.  

Pray that they have courage to share the gospel and are strong and unwavering, 

now allowing the uncertainties of this world and the lies of the Enemy to affect them.

Pray without ceasing.


My Jesus I Love Thee-Sunday Worship


Just Pray