Just Pray

1 Corinthians 16:13  “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong”

Oh how we want our sons and daughters to be strong and courageous- to be willing to stand for their faith in the face of opposition. Friends, the opposition is growing. The backlash against believers is strengthening. Are we ready? Better yet, are our sons and daughters prepared for what they might face?

We fiercely protected them as they were growing up, we must do the same as they spiritually grow, never waning in our commitment to cover them in prayer. Let’s pray a hedge of protection around them today.

  • Pray that they are wise and discerning.  

  • Pray that they do not compromise. 

  • Pray that they stand firm, confident and unwavering in their faith in Jesus, having confidence in the Truth.  

  • Pray that they have courage to share the gospel and are strong and unwavering, not allowing the uncertainties of this world and the lies of the Enemy to affect them.

”Father, this world mocks You and anything connected to You. Help us as believers to stand firm. Help us to be in the Word, daily- not just reading, but studying and memorizing. Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. I pray that it would be a priority in our lives. Lord, I pray for (name) today, that they would have a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Help them to WANT to spend time studying Scripture. Open their eyes to see wonderful things in Your Word. I pray that You would help them grow in Godly wisdom and discernment so they would be protected from the deception that is so present and ever-increasing. Strengthen their resolve so they do not compromise their convictions and they will not sacrifice their faith on the altar of popularity or success. I pray that (name) would value their relationship with Jesus more than anything- give them an eternal perspective that outweighs anything that might tempt or lure them in this life. Give them courage to share the message of salvation with others, let Your light shine through them. May others see the joy, peace and be drawn to the cross through their testimony. Protect (name). Surround them with your power and protection so they can stand firm. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing


Pray it Again- Saturday Review


When ‘Knowing’ isn’t Enough