How to Pray When Our Sons and Daughters Reach a Crossroads, part 1

“This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look (see); ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.   But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.”” Jeremiah 6:16

Crossroads.  They’re fraught with uncertainty, difficulty and, sometimes, painful choices.  Crossroads challenge us and stretch us.  They demand that we evaluate our values, our goals and dreams and decide what is important and what is non-negotiable.  Sometimes we don’t realize just how much hangs in the balance…and sometimes we do.  

When we imagine someone at a crossroads, whether literally or figuratively, we think of someone who has reached a point of decision (or indecision), direction (or indirection) and they’re living in a ‘pause’ of sorts. We might see them as unsure, confused or even overwhelmed.  A decision must be made, a direction chosen, but the individual might appear ‘stuck’, paralyzed, or even rudderless.  

As parents, when we see our sons and daughters reaching a crossroads, we might get nervous or heavy-hearted, hoping and praying they make the right decision.  But what God says in Jeremiah should make us reevaluate a crossroads.   ‘Stand at the crossroads’ doesn’t imply uncertainty or confusion- a stopping and standing because we’re befuddled.  

The crossroads is a decision point, a choice of direction and intention, yes.  But when God says “stand” at the crossroads, He’s not calling us to simply stop and wait.  No, that word “stand” is the Hebrew word “amad” which means “take a stand, present oneself, hold your ground, arise, endure and stand firm.” (1)  There is nothing uncertain about it.  It is being sure of your convictions and what you will not compromise Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”.  Standing is the opposite of wavering.  

Here’s the thing, when our sons and daughters reach a crossroads, is not the time to begin praying they stand strong in their convictions.  That’s something for which we need to have already been praying.  We should daily be asking the Lord to help them be unwavering in their pursuit of Christ so when they do reach a crossroads, there is no question about Who they will follow or what road they will choose.

But just in case we needed more encouragement, the Lord says, “Stand and LOOK”.  The word look (also ‘see’) is the word ‘raa’ in  Hebrew.  It means to perceive, to have vision, to perceive and take heed (2).  Let’s get a little “grammarly” here… the word “look” is a verb that, according to Strong’s Concordance, is transitive, intransitive and causative.  But what does that even mean and why is it important?

Transitive means the word takes action on something.  So when we’re told to “look”, it means to “look and see the way”.  God wants us to direct our attention to the ancient ways, what God instructed the generations before to do and follow and to know and understand we should do the same.

Intransitive means there is no object, it’s directly happening.  In this case, the believer is looking.  You look.  You see.

“Causative verbs are used when one person or thing is a stimulus that enables or causes someone or something else to carry out the main action in a sentence.” (3)  The causative nature of the word “look” means that we’re being directed by God to do something.  He’s calling us and enabling us to look and see- it suggests more than just vision with the eyes, but with the mind and heart.  

Isn’t that profound?!  One word, three uses! The action itself, the object toward which the action is directed and the cause of the action- who or what has prompted it. Isn’t it amazing that God can use one word to tell us so many things?!

So, friends, when we pray for our sons and daughters as they reach a crossroads, we first must pray that they are confident in their convictions and unwavering in their faith so that they will STAND.  Then, we need to pray that they will LOOK- taking action to open their eyes, to see what is before them, that they will look for the ancient paths- the way God wants them to go that they would direct their gaze to the way that leads to life and godliness.  Then, that they will look and understand and deeply perceive where God is leading and what steps He wants them to take, not just next steps, but life choices and direction of the heart and mind. Pray for the correct action, the correct object of focus and the correct understanding and discretion.

We’ll follow up on the next aspects of Jeremiah 6:16 later this week, but for now, let’s pray for our sons and daughters that they will Stand and Look in the ways that God desires.

“Father, so often we’re presented with crossroads in our lives, those moments when we’re faced with decisions and directions and it’s difficult and confusing to know what to do and which way to go.  I want to pray for (name) right now.  Lord, I pray that (name) would stand when they reach a crossroads.  Let them be decisive in what they believe and why.  Help them to be unwavering in their faith and their convictions.  Help them to consider every choice in light of their relationship with You so that they would hold their ground and be firm in their commitment to Scripture and to You.  Lord, I pray that (name) would do their best to present themself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15).  And while (name) stands at the crossroads, I pray that they would look.  Open their eyes to see what it is You would have them do.  Help them to look for the way they should go and help them to actively seek your face, Lord.  I pray that they would see not only with physical eyes, but with spiritual insight and discretion.  Lord, do not allow a crossroads to be a point at which they will diverge from Your will for their life, but they would evaluate the best way, the godly way, the right way and would walk in it.  I pray that You would be blessed by their actions and their insight and that their choices would bring You glory.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing, friends.

  1. H5975 - ʿāmaḏ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

  2. H7200 - rā'â - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

  3. Lohman, L. (n.d.). Causative Verbs | Causative Form in English: Overview & Examples. Retrieved from


How to Pray When Our Sons and Daughters Reach a Crossroads, Part 2


Tune My Heart