How to Pray When Our Sons and Daughters Reach a Crossroads, Part 2

This is what the Lord says:“Stand at the crossroads and look (see); ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.   But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’

We began part one of “How to Pray When Our Sons and Daughters Reach a Crossroads” by looking at the words “Stand” and “Look” to really understand what God was calling the Israelites (and us) to do when faced with a decision of life, direction and conviction.  They were not to wander, to sit or to linger but God said, “Stand” which in Hebrew meant to set firmly, take a stand, be still and endure (1).  But they were not only to stand, they were to stand and “looK”.  While they stood firm and endured, they were to see, perceive, consider and discern (2).  They were to actively do the looking, they were to look for something specific and God would be (should be) the One prompting them to take the action of looking, no one or nothing else should be their motivation.  But then what?

Well, as we might say, “Don’t just stand there!”   God says, “ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is”.  The word “ask” is the word “saal” in Hebrew and it means “ to inquire; by implication, to request; by extension, to demand.” (3)  To saal is to ask with purpose and even a sense of urgency.  It’s not a casual inquiry, but an intentional seeking of answers and information.  Can you see the importance here?  God is telling us we need to stand with purpose, look and then ask with urgency for the ancient paths.  It’s important.  It’s vital.

So, what are the ancient paths?  Are we supposed to look for antiquated ways of doing things?  No, not at all.  That word “ancient” is the word “olam” and it means “enduring, perpetual, time out of mind, both past and future.”(4)  God is telling us to look for the eternal ways, HIS ways, which are often concealed and hard to see, especially by those who do not walk with the Lord.  But if we walk with the Lord, He will reveal them to us (remember, the word “look” has a causative nature… which means something or someone prompts us to do the looking… in this case, it’s God, calling us and causing us to look for and understand His ways.

Daniel 2:20-22 ““Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his.  He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.  He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness and light dwells with him.”

God wants us to look for and pursue His ways (derek), not just any way.  The word “derek” means way, but it also means “direction,habit, course of life and moral character.” (5)  The ‘way’ God wants us to walk encompasses all of us (our being) and our direction.  It is the way that isn’t seen with physical eyes but discerned with spiritual insight granted by God. 


But here’s the thing, He doesn’t want us to just identify it by looking, He calls us to walk in it.  When God calls us to walk (yalak), He calls us to “walk (literally or figuratively); to carry; bear, bring, depart, follow, grow, prosper, pursue, cause to run.”(5)  Isn’t that such a picture of our Christian walk with the Lord?!  We are to walk, follow, grow, prosper and pursue Him.  We are to bring our burdens, bear our cross and depart the life of sin to walk in obedience to Him.  All of that wrapped up in the simple, but not so simple word ‘yalak’ or walk.

1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”

2 Peter 3:18 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be glory both now and forever!  Amen.”

God promises us that if we do these things we “will find rest for our souls”.  Oh, friend, isn’t that what we long for?  Rest for our souls.  A spiritual rest, a relief from the oppression of sin, a balm for the pain and heartache of this life.  Rest.  “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.” Psalm 62:1  

But the warning stands from Proverbs 21:16 “Whoever strays from the path of prudence comes to rest in the company of the dead.”  It matters which path you choose and that choice determines where you will find your rest and in whose company you will be.  

Jeremiah 6:16 doesn’t stop there, though.  There is a final statement in the verse that is jarring.  God told all of these things to the Israelites.  But their response was, “We will not walk in it.” Think about that.  God showed them.  He called them.  He gave them clear direction and a promise of rest.  Yet they rejected it.  They rejected Him.  They made a willful decision to turn from God.  How they were blinded!! 

Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.”  

As our sons and daughters are at the crossroads, there is so much to bring to the Lord.  Oh, there is promise of great things, direction, protection, growth, rest…but there is great danger as well and we can’t ignore that.  The enemy wants nothing more than to blind this next generation so they cannot see and so they will not follow.  He does not want them to find rest for their souls.  We need to be on our knees daily asking God to intervene and protect, to open eyes and guide steps.  Let’s do that now…and pray without ceasing.

“Father, You are good and what You do is good (Ps 119:68).  You show us right paths and call us to walk in them.  You desire good for us and Your word says “The desire of the righteous ends only in good, but the hope of the wicked only in wrath. (Pr. 11:23)  I pray that (name) would pursue righteousness so that their desires would be good and wholesome and that their heart would long after You.  Lord, help (name) to pursue Biblical knowledge that will guide their steps so they won’t be a living example of Proverbs 19:2 “Desire without knowledge is not good - how much more will hasty feet miss the way!”  Lord, help them not to have hasty feet, but let them stand at the crossroads and be resolute in their conviction to follow You. Let them have clear, right spiritual discretion so they will be able to spot evil and avoid it.  Let them not be deceived by the enemy or led astray by things and people who are ungodly.”

“Lord, God, I pray that You would open (name)’s eyes and show them Your path.  Enable them to see the eternal way that leads to life and rest.  Give them strength to walk in it.  Motivate (name) to consistently ask where the good way is and pursue it with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength.  I pray that (name) would walk with You unwaveringly.  Father, protect (name)’s steps.  Guard (name)’s heart.  Keep (name)’s eyes always seeing clearly with correct spiritual discernment and never, never let them refuse to walk in the way You set before them.  Lord, help them to be faithful and eager to follow You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.

  1. H5975 - ʿāmaḏ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

  2. H7200 - rā'â - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

  3. H7592 - šā'al - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

  4. H5956 - ʿālam - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

  5. H1870 - dereḵ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

  6. H3212 - yālaḵ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from


How Do You Measure the Love of God?


How to Pray When Our Sons and Daughters Reach a Crossroads, part 1