Faithful, Despite Our Choices

2 Timothy 2:13 If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.”

Sometimes our hearts ache to see the path our children choose.  Oh, as a child they loved Jesus, so very much.  They were excited to go to church.  They sang songs with their whole heart; and the joy they had in knowing the Lord was contagious.  Their passion and energy inspired us!  

But along the way, something changed.  They grew indifferent, or even cold.  They bristle at the mention of His name.  They are arrogant and confident that they don’t need the Lord.

Friend, is your heart aching this morning? 

Jesus sees and He knows.  His word does not return void.  Even the hardest hard isn’t impenetrable by the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit.  If our sons and daughters made a commitment to the Lord, He will not disown them.  ! Corinthians 6:17 says “But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.”  He will remain faithful.  He cannot deny Himself.

We only see what is ‘right now’.  We can’t see the future.  But we can pray and trust, because God is already there.  He exists outside time and He is the Master of all things, time included.  He knows what path our son or daughter will take and like a watercourse, He can and will direct it.  Sometimes He allows us to follow our rebellion, but He’s still in control.  We need to trust Him and pray for softened hearts and ears that hear, eyes that see spiritual truth and minds that understand and discern wisely..  

It’s not too late, really, it’s not.  Keep trusting and resting in the sovereignty, power and faithfulness of God.  

“Lord, You know the burden in my heart for (name).  I pray that even today, Holy Spirit, You would move and work in them.  Open their eyes to see the rebellion they have puts them on a spiritual trajectory to a dead end. Bring them back to the joy and passion they had for You when they were a child.  I pray that even as they sleep, the verses they memorized would flow through them and ignite a hunger and thirst for righteousness.  As they go through their day, bring those beautiful scripture songs to mind to renew their first love.  Thank you for Your faithfulness Lord.  I pray that even today, You would bless us with a glimmer of change, a softening of (name)s heart and a step toward repentance and restoration in Jesus.  It’s in His name I pray, Amen.”

Pray without ceasing. God is faithful.


Faithful Through the Generations


Faithful Protector