Dabbling in Darkness

“If we claim to have fellowship with Him, yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.”

1 John 1:6

Kids love water, don’t they?  Whether it’s a pool, a creek, or a puddle, there’s an attraction to get closer to just “look at it”.  We warn them not to get wet and we might hear the response, “Can’t I just put my feet in?”  And we all know, if the feet get wet, the rest of the child gets wet eventually.  They can’t help it, their “whole self” ends up soaked.  And when they come back, soaking wet, we ask them, “what happened, why didn’t you obey?”  The responses will likely include things like “I don’t know”, “It was an accident”, “I didn’t mean to get wet, it just happened” and the list goes on.

Sin is like that too.  There’s an attraction to just get a bit closer, but soon, we’re dipping our feet in and before we know it, we’re immersed.  We’re soaked in it.  We can tell others that we’re not dabbling in sin, but when we stand there, soaking wet with the evidence, our words hold no weight.

1 John 1:6 “If we claim to have fellowship with Him, yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.”

That word, “in”, is important to note.  It’s the Greek word, “en” and “denotes a fixed position in place, time or state.”  Think about it.  If we’re ‘in’ we have a fixed position(1).  There is no halfway or just a little.  Either we’re in or we’re out.  There is no in between.  It’s a powerful word.  

When we walk in sin, even if we’re just “dipping our feet in”, we are in.  We’re immersed.  We’re sinning.  We can’t dabble in darkness and not be impacted by it.  1 John tells us that if we claim to have fellowship with God, but walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.  Our location says a whole lot about our heart condition and our commitments.  Our talk, talks and our walk talks.  But our walk speaks much more loudly than our talk when it comes to giving evidence of what our heart loves.  We can say we love Jesus, but if our actions demonstrate otherwise, which do you think people will believe more?  Are we making choices and living in such a way that gives evidence that we love Jesus…or that we love something or someone else more?

1 John 1:1-6 uses the word “proclaim” several times.  That word means to give a report, which indicates one has seen evidence of something, it’s an affirmation.  Yet, 1 John 1:6 uses the word “claim”...there is no pro.  That’s the thing with sin.  If we’re involved in it, participating in it, we can claim we walk in truth, but there is no evidence. Our lives are proclaiming otherwise and giving evidence of fellowship with darkness.  How we live matters and sin impacts how we live.

This world is dark and temptation is strong.  If we think we can resist on our own, we’re deceived.   We cannot just ‘say’ we’re following the Lord, we have to demonstrate it, our lives need to give evidence, otherwise our words are empty and our testimony is worthless.   Our sons and daughters need us to walk with the Lord and give evidence that He is our focus, our passion, our God.  They need to see their parents, their elders, their role models modeling what it truly means to follow Jesus.  We need to proclaim with our lives that Jesus is our King.  

We need to pray for spiritual protection for our sons and daughters every day.  Satan wants nothing more than to keep them from following Christ.  He wants to convince them that compromising with sin is okay, especially if it’s “just a little bit”.  He lures them to just dip their feet in the water of darkness, just their feet and nothing more.  But we all know what happens.  If you’re “in”, you can’t be in two places at the same time.  When we dabble in darkness, we take our eyes off of Jesus and allow our heart and mind to put something else on the throne and then we’re walking in darkness.

Today, and every day, let’s pray that our sons and daughters will be IN Christ- that at all times, in all ways, in all places, they are found in Him and that darkness has no place in their lives.  Pray that their choices in friends, in entertainment, in places they go, things they take part in and what they read and listen to all support their pursuit of Jesus and their lives give evidence of living and walking in His light.

Pray without ceasing.

  1. G1722 - en - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/g1722/kjv/tr/0-1/


May the Lord Guard Your Coming In and Your Going Out


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