Wrapping Up The Year

How amazing is it that the Lord brought our paths together this year to pray for our sons and daughters?!! It’s been exciting and there has been growth, change, and a greater love for our Lord in all of it.

As we look forward to 2022, we’re taking a bit of a break here at Join the PAC Prayer to rest, strategize, and work on some new things. But, we’ll be back in January with new posts and a new project- can’t wait to share!!

Until then, look through the site and read through some of your favorite posts. Maybe share with a friend who needs encouragement. Ponder what God might be calling you to in the new year. And be ready to watch Him work!! Pray with us that God would continue to bring others to join us in praying for this next generation. Time is short. Jesus is coming!! What can we do to impact others for Christ?

Take time to enjoy family and reflect on the amazing gift of our Savior this season.

Pray without ceasing.


New Year, New Format


O Come, O Come, Immanuel