Without a Doubt

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Romans 4:21 (Abraham).…”being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.”

What does it take for someone to be ‘fully persuaded”, to be convinced beyond a doubt, willing to stake everything on that person, that statement, that promise?

It’s not difficult to make promises, but to fulfill them, well, that takes integrity and power.  But breaking promises...it happens every day.  And when a promise is broken, so is trust and the ability and willingness to believe in that person again.

Abraham was fully persuaded that God had the power to do what He promised.  And what was God’s promise to Abraham?  That Abraham (99 years old and childless) would be the father of many nations.  

Abraham didn’t know HOW God would deliver but he knew that He WOULD.  He had faith and trust in the Almighty.  God had never failed.  Abraham believed God would do what He promised.  And He did.  Abraham became a father at 99 and his wife, Sarah, a mother at 90.  Talk about a miracle!

But later, God asked Abraham to sacrifice that long-awaited and very loved son.  What?  And, yet, Abraham obeyed, fully trusting, once again, that God would deliver.  He had full assurance in the faithfulness and goodness of his Heavenly Father.  And God did deliver Isaac.  Abraham’s faith was strong.  God’s faithfulness was true and His promise was sure.

Oh friends, are our sons and daughters fully persuaded that God will do what He promises?  

Today, let’s pray that they are assured, persuaded and standing firm on God’s sovereignty and that He keeps His promises.

“Lord, I pray that (name) would be fully persuaded that You will do what You promise.  Don’t allow cynicism to rule in their heart and mind.  I pray that they would know, without a doubt, that You are faithful and trustworthy.  Lord, increase their faith in You and grow their trust.  Protect them from deception that would pull them away from You or that would cause them to question Your goodness and Your promises.  Remind them each day of your faithfulness and point them to scripture that reinforces their assurance.  Lord, keep them standing firm.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.


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