Who is Your Rock?

Psalm 144:1-2  “Of David. “Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.””

The tagline of a well-known insurance carrier’s new commercial is “Who’s your Rock?”  The assumption is that if you contract with them for insurance, they will be that rock and steady anchor in any catastrophic life event.  An insurance company can promise something like that, but whether they can deliver and actually be your “rock”, is unlikely.

We often hear others refer to someone who is significant in their life as their ‘rock’.  “Oh, without (so-and-so) I wouldn’t have made it, they’re my rock!”  While it’s valuable to have those relationships that help hold us steady in difficult times, we must be careful not to put such heavy expectations on others, nor throw all of our hope onto someone who is just as human as we are.

David was the King of Israel.  He was lauded for his bravery in battle.  He commanded thousands and was renowned for his power, his victories and for the Lord being on his side.  Who was his rock?  The Lord.  None other.  He knew that throughout all of his battles, his interpersonal conflicts, his fall from grace through deep sin and his humble restoration, no other could ever sustain him like the Lord could.  And he would depend on no other.

Who do our sons and daughters ultimately look to for stability, strength and security?  Is it a spouse?  A child?  A boss?  Relationships are so very important and God values them...but when everything is stripped away, what remains?  God.  He alone remains when all is stripped away.

Can we pray today that our sons and daughters reach out to the Lord?  Let’s pray that God gives them clear, unobstructed views of His power and protection and that He alone is the One they need to look to for deliverance.

“Praise be to you LORD.  You are my Rock and I pray that You would be (name)’s rock too.  You train our hands for war to confront the spiritual battles and the deception of the enemy.  You make my fingers, my mind, my heart ready for battle. You are our loving God and our fortress.  I pray that (name) would recognize that and run to you for protection and keeping.  You are the stronghold and our deliverer in any conflict or battle.  You will shield us and keep us safe.  Again, Lord, open (name)’s eyes and heart to Who You are and what you provide for them daily.  Don’t let them look aside to another who would promise things they cannot deliver.  Only You have the strength and power to deliver.  You are our shield, in whom we can take refuge, You  subdue peoples[ under us and bring peace to our lives and solace to our hearts.  Lord, I pray that (name) would recognize and claim You as their rock, always.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.


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