Watch Where You’re Going

2 Peter 3:17-18   “Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.”

When our children were little and getting ready to cross the street, we would often take their hand and tell them, “watch where you’re going, be careful!”  Why?  Because they were stepping into an area where things were coming at them from both sides.  The traffic surrounding them was a danger to their safety and they had to be alert so as not to be hit, injured, or worse.

As believers, we have to be alert to those spiritually dangerous zones as well.  Unbiblical teaching can come at us unexpectedly, even from sources that we may trust.  And that’s often when our guard is down. Extra-biblical ideas and rules can creep in and begin to sound a lot like Scripture, yet have no basis.  We begin to believe the authority of the speaker versus the authority of Scripture. Taking scripture out of context can warp the meaning and purpose of God’s words so that they become a method and means of herding believers into areas of belief and doctrine that are man-made, not God-ordained.  We need to watch where we’re going and the direction of those who are teaching and leading.

Today, let’s pray for our sons’ and daughters’ personal Bible study time, that time alone with the Lord when He can teach us, convict us, encourage us and increase our wisdom and knowledge. It’s not easy...sometimes it can take years before someone really finds a way to do purposeful study of the Word and enjoy it.  Let’s pray that the Holy Spirit stirs in their hearts and works in them to give them a hunger and thirst for God’s Word.  Pray that they find joy in their time with the Lord. Pray that their wisdom and discretion are sharpened so that they operate in the grace and knowledge of Jesus and that they can identify and reject ungodly teaching.  Pray that they are alert and sober-minded, spiritually, so they are not caught off guard or deceived by the enemy and his operatives.  Pray that they will watch where they’re going.

“Father, You long to have us spend time with You each day, reading Your word and communing with You in prayer.  It’s so important, yet, we often sacrifice that time with you on the altar of busyness.  I pray that today, (name) would be convicted in their heart to make time with You a priority.  Help me to do the same.  Lord, it’s so, so very  important because that’s how we will grow in knowledge and gain understanding so that we can be wise and discerning.  I pray that (name) would grow to love their quiet time with You.  Give them a hunger and thirst for Your word.  Open their eyes to see wonderful things in Your word that would propel them to want to learn more (Ps. 119:18).  Help them to hide Your word in their heart so they would not sin against You (Ps. 119:11).  May Your word be a lamp to their feet and a light to their path (Ps. 119:105) so they can clearly see the path of righteousness and avoid the dangers and deceptions that might harm them or lead them in the wrong direction.  Lord, I pray that they would grow in wisdom and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and they would have vibrant joy and a strong passion to follow You without compromise.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.


When We “Can’t Even”


Sunday Worship-Nothing But the Blood of Jesus