Time is Short but His Mercy is Great

2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”


The events going on in Afghanistan are heartbreaking.  The news is devastating.  Desperate people are scrambling to get into the airport for a chance to leave the country.  They’re climbing walls and fences and even clinging to the sides of a transport plane as it taxis for takeoff.  Parents are desperately trying to give their children to anyone who might carry them to safety outside of the reach of the Taliban.  They’re trying to leverage who they know and what they’ve accomplished to buy their way out of the country.  The panic on their faces and the fear in their eyes communicate much more than words ever could.   They see how this is going to end and they want to do everything possible to save themselves and their loved ones.


But why didn’t they leave last week?  Yes, there was concern in Afghanistan, but no real desperation.  Although the threat of evil was present, it wasn’t as visible.  They thought they had more time.  


Friends, this scenario is very much akin to the spiritual condition of the world right now.  Things are getting worse and Jesus’ return is near, but few seem to be concerned.  People think they have ‘more time’, they’ll get right with God ‘later’, yet, when that moment of Jesus’ return is upon us and believers are taken from this world, there will be massive panic and desperation.  People will be scrambling to find a way out.  The pages of Revelation will come to life and those who thought they had more time to get right with God will be desperate.  But who they know and what they’ve accomplished will mean nothing.


Admit it.  We are overwhelmed with the evil that we see and we just want God to smite the evildoers and be done with it.  Yet, He waits.  Why?  Because He wants to give many the opportunity to turn their hearts to Christ.  He doesn’t want any to perish...and neither should we. 


Rather than complain and worry about how bad things are getting, let’s pray.  Really pray. Let’s point our sons and daughters to the value of an eternal focus and get them to pray as well.  Pray for those being persecuted.  Pray for those who fear for their lives.  Pray for believers, that they would stand strong in their faith and pray for unbelievers, that they would come to know Jesus. We can do that, right?


But here’s a challenge for you….pray for the evildoers.  That’s a shocking thing to think about.  Maybe it startled you to read it.  Good.   Jesus died for them too. They are image-bearers. Despite the evil that indwells them, they have a Father in Heaven who longs to have relationship with them.  2 Peter 3:9 says “not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”  That “ALL” includes even the most evil people.  They need Christ.  It is not for us to decide who deserves prayer.  It is just up to us to follow Christ in obedience. Matthew 5:44 “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,”


God has the power to do more than we could ask or think.  Today, sit down and make a list of the most unlikely people to be prayed over, and then do it.  Pray for them, sincerely. Pray for those you struggle to love. Pray for those whose actions repulse you. Pray for those who seem too far gone to ever be saved.   “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”  Pray for them by name or affiliation and ask God to work in hearts and minds.  Ask Him to let them see Jesus.  His mercy is great.

And then pray for our sons and daughters that they would have a heart that longs to see others know God’s mercy.

Pray without ceasing.


Oh, His Mercy Brings Life.


Expect Mercy