The Light of the World

Isaiah 9:2 “The people walking in darkness

    have seen a great light;

on those living in the land of deep darkness

    a light has dawned.”

As we prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth this month, we are going to focus on the names of Jesus spoken in prophecy, mostly those mentioned in Isaiah 9:6.  Each day we’ll have a Christmas Season prayer challenge in addition to our prayer points for our sons and daughters.    But let’s start with Jesus as the Light of the World and how that speaks to our need and His provision.

When we think about light, we might consider how our sun gives such radiant light, that nothing can really compare to it.  When we wake up and see the sun is out, it illuminates everything and we can see clearly.  Oh, we’ve created artificial light that is powerful and pierces the dark, yet it can never match the fullness nor the comprehensive light provided by the sun.  Have you ever driven by a highway crew working at night?  The powerful lights pierce the darkness, yet they are no comparison to daylight.  They still do not offer the fullness of light that daytime brings.  They just cannot reproduce that all-encompassing light that drives away the dark.  Any other light is just an insufficient, incomplete imitation that can’t even come close.  The daylight brings everything into perspective and drives the dark away.  That is a beautiful picture of Jesus and the spiritual freedom and release that He brings.  Jesus is the Light of the World.

When scripture talks about “People walking in darkness”, we can picture it.  People walking slowly, unable to really see what is around them, perhaps stumbling or walking without purpose..  In the darkness there is danger, obstacles and pitfalls that cannot be seen.  The darkness hides those with ill intent, wanting to do harm or commit crime.  Darkness itself is a metaphor for everything evil, for everything associated with Satan. 

Strong’s Concordance defines darkness ‘hosek’ in the Hebrew, as “darkness, obscurity, misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow and wickedness.”(1)  There is nothing and no one in this world that can conquer that list.  No one but God.   Why would we think otherwise?  Well, that’s part of the deception of the Enemy.  He leads us to believe we can find light, meaning, happiness, restoration, life, wisdom, joy and goodness in anything but Jesus.  That’s the great lie and that’s part of the darkness itself.

So when scripture says “People walking in darkness”  it’s a very apt metaphor that gives a clear picture of what the human spiritual condition is without Jesus.  Without Christ, there is no light; there is no ability to see and perceive spiritual wisdom and no way to have spiritual freedom.  But scripture doesn’t just leave it there, it continues saying, the people walking in darkness have seen a great light…. What a powerful,  hopeful statement!  Jesus is the light of the world and He alone came to shine into the darkness and redeem those wandering without hope and without light.  “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light (Jesus).”  

As we prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth, let’s ponder the significance of His entry into this world and what His presence brought to all of mankind.  He chose to leave heaven and enter this sinful world so that He could bring light and life to all who would believe.  John 8:12 “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””

Friends, today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters realize, without a doubt, that Jesus is the Light of the World and in Him they will find life, redemption, forgiveness and purpose.  Pray that they will gain an eternal perspective because Jesus’ light dawns in their hearts and minds.  And today’s Christmas Season challenge?  Choose one person at random, maybe at a traffic light sitting in the car ahead of you, or standing in the checkout line at the store and pray that they would come to know Jesus as the Light of the World, their Savior and Redeemer.

Pray without ceasing.

  1. H2822 - ḥōšeḵ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from


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