Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Wrestling in Prayer

Colossians 4:12   “Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.”

If we had to describe our prayer life that we practice on behalf of our sons and daughters, what words would be fitting?  Would we answer with words like ‘hurried’ or ‘repetitive’? Maybe we would say we’re ‘desperate’ or feel ‘flat’, even ‘uncertain’ or ‘stuck’.  

Don’t get frustrated and don’t give up.  There was a guy, Epaphras, who, by his prayer life, made an impression.  He was a friend of the Apostle Paul and a strong Greek believer, but not much else is known about him.  But Paul described his prayer on behalf of other believers as “wrestling in prayer that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.”  

Read that again, friends.  He was wrestling in prayer.  It’s likely he didn’t even personally know everyone he prayed for, but he knew they were believers who needed to stand firm.  

The Greek word used here for wrestling is agōnizomai (1).  He agonized in prayer over and on behalf of the other believers. Strong’s concordance describes it as “to endeavor with strenuous zeal, strife, to obtain something;”  He prayed as if to obtain the victory, gain the answer, see his plea for other believers come to reality.

He desired that they would “stand firm”- that they would be steady and strong to the end, perfect in their faith and undefeated by the Enemy and remaining in God’s will.  He prayed they would be “mature”-  not remaining as ‘baby’ Christians, but growing, seeking wisdom and knowledge of Christ and bearing fruit.  Then, he prayed that they would be “fully assured.”  He wanted to see them remain faithful to the cross, to finish well and be persuaded beyond any doubt in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and only hope of salvation.  That is a mighty prayer!  

Oh, and Epaphras?  He’s mentioned again in Philemon as a fellow  prisoner with Paul, likely imprisoned for his faith. (Philemon 1:23)  

Friends, do we strive in prayer for our sons and daughters?  Today, let’s be an Epaphras.  Let’s wrestle in prayer and fight for them.  The Enemy wants them, but as long as we have breath, we will fight and wrestle on their behalf so that they will embrace Christ and stay true to Him.

Stop what you’re doing and pray this list right now for your sons and daughters:

  • Stand firm

  • Remain in God’s will

  • Be mature

  • Be fully assured.  

Then, jot the list down and carry it with you and continue praying throughout the day. Wrestle to win, friends.

Pray without ceasing.

  1. G75 - agōnizomai - Strong's Greek Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

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