Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

The Ultimate Counselor

Isaiah 11:2-3 “The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord- and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.”

When we need counsel, we look for someone who is well-qualified, right?  We want deep wisdom, excellent training, good critical thinking, excellent connections and references and deep integrity.  Why?  Because we’re entrusting that person with our needs, our thoughts, our vulnerabilities and our defense.  We want to be able to have peace in how they advise us. We want the best.

Isaiah ensures us that our Wonderful Counselor is just that.  He is well-qualified, filled with the Spirit of the Lord, the spirit of wisdom and understanding- He knows all there is to know and can provide the most insightful course of action that will always be in your best interest.  

He possesses the Spirit of counsel and might- no courtroom, no judge, no government official can outthink or overpower Him.  No one has authority over Him..  He is the strongest of the strong and the mightiest in the land.  He is our protector and shield.

And if that isn’t enough, He possesses the knowledge and fear of the Lord and He delights in the Lord.  He has unquestionable integrity.  He doesn’t cut corners or cheat; He isn’t disingenuous, He is authentic, honest and exceptional in every way.  He is the ultimate counselor.

Look, we’re not walking up to a booth and offering 5 cents for advice.  We’re not having to track down a grimy office in a dark building to get advice from someone who seems less than trustworthy.  We’re not even needing to check references, track records and work history.  Our Wonderful Counselor is the finest God provides because He is God Himself.  Why should we scurry around looking for ‘others’ or substitutes or a ‘bargain option’ when all Jesus is and will do is ours because we are His child?!

Today, let’s pray for our sons and daughters that they will understand that Jesus is the ultimate Counselor, full of wisdom and understanding.  Pray that they would trust Him with their burdens and challenges.  Pray that they would rest in His strength and might.  Pray that their hearts would desire Jesus and His integrity and fear of the Lord over the ‘bargain options’ that offer cheap counsel that cannot save. Pray that they don’t run themselves ragged looking everywhere else for what is only, completely found in Jesus.

Christmas Season challenge: when you see a ‘sale’ advertisement stop and pray for those who are looking for answers and counsel in every place but in Jesus.  Pray that their eyes would be opened to the deception and that they would be protected from ‘false advertising’.

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