Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Avoiding the Traps

Psalm 141:9-10  Keep me safe from the traps set by evildoers, from the snares they have laid for me.  Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety.

Remember playing the board game Mouse Trap with your kids?  You had to get your little mouse through all of the hazards without getting caught.  And there were so many!!  But, not only did you have to avoid the hazards, you also had to be wary of other players who might trap you as well.  Traps and people who would use them against you…  It was a harrowing game, for sure!

Our world today has so many deceptions.  There are things that appear innocent and harmless, but they silently wrap tentacles of bondage around hearts and minds.  These things that, at first appear okay, end up enslaving people and stealing their joy, their relationships, their health and hope.  That’s the deception of a snare…it looks like it’s not even there. It’s only when you step into it and are caught that you realize your mistake, but then, it’s too late.

Oh, there are the obvious things like drugs and pornography, but then there are the seemingly harmless, even helpful things like technology and ambition...that when given too much leverage, become a wicked master.   Anything that pulls our eyes from Jesus and takes His place of supremacy in our lives is a danger and a threat. Anything that causes us to push Him aside for ‘later’ is a snare.

And not only do we have to worry about those traps and snares, but we have to be wary of the people with evil intent, bent on bringing others down with them. They speak smooth words and assure us that what they offer is good and well-deserved. But in the end, it leads to death. Avoiding them requires a heart that is sensitive to the Holy Spirit, a spirit willing to obey and a mind that is ready for action to avoid sin and deception.

Friends, let’s pray that our sons and daughters are protected from and wary of the dangers and traps that surround them each day.  Pray for the protection of their faith and their integrity. Pray that Christ holds supremacy in their lives.

“Heavenly Father, I pray today that You would protect (name) from any trap, any enticement, any compromise that would pull them away from You.  There are so many things in this world that appear harmless but lead into addictions and damage hearts, minds and relationships.  Lord, guard (name) today against these traps.  Let them be mindful as they step, both literally and in other ways, to avoid those traps and pitfalls.  Help them not to compromise or let their guard down.  Lord, God, I pray that You would protect and preserve their faith.  Let them pass by these dangers in safety and let those who try and ensnare others be caught in their own traps.  This is a hostile world and my heart’s desire is that (name) be spiritually protected from anything that would cause them to stumble or fall away.  Guard them carefully today, Lord, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.

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