Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Who Directs Your Steps?

Jeremiah 10:23 “Lord, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps.”

Look around at the ‘inspirational messaging’ that’s being pushed these days. It often goes something like this: “You can do anything you want to do!”,  “Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it!”, “Your only limit is your mind!”.  

Ah, these are such inspirational words and it’s likely, on occasion, we’ve encouraged our sons and daughters with some similar things.  Yet, when we do, what we’re saying isn’t necessarily Biblical advice.  In fact, sometimes it’s quite the opposite. Often, the ‘inspiration and motivation’ are self-focused, not God-focused.

If we are believers, it’s not up to us to determine our steps.  God has a plan for our life and we are called to lay down our lives, our dreams, our goals and, instead, seek the Lord and His will for our lives.  Proverbs 20:24 says “A person’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way?” 

Look at Genesis and the story of Joseph.  He likely envisioned himself a shepherd for life, settling down and raising his family alongside his many brothers and their children.   He didn’t plan on his brothers betraying him and selling him into slavery.  He didn’t ‘dream and achieve’ a life of bondage and imprisonment in Egypt.  But, oh, he dreamed!!  He dreamed exactly what God intended him to and God used those dreams to position Joseph as the second most powerful man in Egypt and, as such, save the nation of Israel.  Did it play out how Joseph would have envisioned it?  No, not at all.  Yet, God did more than Joseph or his family could have asked or imagined - and it brought glory to God.

Then, consider Esther. Nearly every little girl dreams of being a princess, but Esther’s dream came about much differently.  She was forced into the King’s harem and in the process, had to hide her identity as a Jewess.  Yet, God placed her in the palace ‘for such a time as this’ and used her mightily to save His people.  She never could have planned her steps to get herself into the presence of the King- that would have brought death, not life. She never could have had the impact on a Kingdom without God’s hand and protection. There is no way she could have single-handedly saved a nation without God upholding her and providing the strength and wisdom to accomplish His purposes.

Friends, God’s plans far exceed our own. Our limited minds cannot fathom or begin to imagine the vast impact of what He chooses to do with us, in us and through us. That is true for our sons and daughters as well. Let’s be careful that our ‘hopes and dreams’ don’t distract our sons and daughters from God’s intentions for them.

God’s plan for all of us was set in place before the world was even created.  If left to our own imagination, our lives would be a feeble attempt at making a difference and being successful...and in no way would resemble the amazing story that God weaves for us!  We need to encourage our sons and daughters to seek the Lord, fully, completely, and without ceasing.  His plans and goals for them are far better than anything they could imagine and what He calls them to is exactly what He’s created them to do.  Their path is already determined, it’s up to them to believe and obey.  

Pray today that our sons and daughters would seek the Lord’s will for their life and follow the steps He’s planned for them.

Pray without ceasing.

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Keep in Step with the Spirit

Have you ever watched a marching band?  They keep in step with one another, following the lead of the drum major.  They all move in sync with each another and to the rhythm of the music.  Those who choose to be part of the band understand that it’s not a solo performance, but the success of the band depends on everyone keeping in step and following the director.

As believers, when we “live by the Spirit” it is a similar calling.  God gifts each of us differently, but we are all called to follow Him and use our gifts to bring Him glory and honor as a family of believers.  Living by the Spirit is a descriptor of our motivation and our goal.  When we live by and for something, it is our focus and our purpose.  If we are believers in Christ and trust in His death and resurrection as payment for our sin, we are dead to sin and alive in Christ.  God calls us, He draws us and He stirs in us a desire to follow after Him.  We’re not living ‘solo’ but for God.

Romans 6:8-11  “Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.  For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him.  The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.  In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”

When we cast the ‘old’ aside and live for Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in us and gives us a calling, a purpose, and helps us bear fruit.  We no longer live for ourselves.  We’re no longer bound by sin and death- they don’t rule over us any more.  Are we still impacted by them?  Yes, as long as we live in this fallen world, we’ll battle sin and we’ll face death...physical death.  But we no longer face spiritual eternal death and sin doesn’t rule over us!  We are alive in Christ!!  The Holy Spirit indwells us and we are made more like Christ each day because of the Spirit’s work in our heart and mind.

Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

When we become believers in Christ, we live by the Spirit who indwells us.  He transforms us.  We begin bearing fruit that reflects Christ in us. Galatians 5:22-24  “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.  Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”

Oh, that our sons and daughters would live for Christ and keep in step with the Spirit!

Today, let’s pray these things:

  1. Pray that our sons and daughters, first and foremost, would commit their lives to Jesus Christ and trust Him as their Lord and Savior

  2. Pray that they live for Jesus and not for themselves.  Pray that they would bear fruit that reflects His preeminence in their lives

  3. Pray that they keep in step with the Spirit- walking in the Way that He shows them, obeying what He calls them to do and honoring Him with their choices.

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