Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Sharing Your Treasure

I Peter 3:15  But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

When our kids were little, it’s likely they had a ‘treasure’ in a box or special spot somewhere.  If it was a recent ‘discovery’ or acquisition, they probably kept it close.  They were eager to show us and would maybe let us touch it, or even hold it, but it quickly came back to them for safe keeping.  They guarded it carefully because it was precious to them. They would excitedly tell us all about it and their eyes would sparkle with excitement.  It may have inspired them to learn more about that item and to seek out knowledge, whether in books or the internet,  to find information that would help them understand it even better.

Oh, that’s what Jesus should be to us, friends- a treasure that we hold close but are excited to share with others!.  Our relationship with Him should be our most precious possession that we guard carefully but want others to enjoy, too!  Our eyes...and our lives, should sparkle with joy and light, enough that others will want to know what we have and how they can have it too!  Our love for Jesus should compel us to want to know HIm more and learn His word so we can understand Him better.

As time grows short, we must be diligent to pray that our sons and daughters know and pursue the truth of Christ.  Today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters have this precious relationship and an eager desire to learn and grow in their faith.  Let’s pray they have a living hope that compels them to share Jesus with others gently and respectfully and that they are ever ready to give an answer for that hope they hold.  Pray they are salt and light.  

Pray without ceasing.

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