Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Pray it again!

God doesn’t tire of hearing our prayers. It’s important that we keep bringing our heart’s burdens to Him and lay them before Him. It’s not repetitive, it’s persistent, committed and trusting. We trust that He hears us and we are confident He will answer in His time and according to His will. Take time to review our prayer points from the week and pray them again.

Pray that our sons and daughters would be emboldened by the knowledge that our God is Sovereign, Almighty and always present with them.   There is NO enemy that can overcome Him and no obstacle too great for Him to remove.  Pray that they see God part the Sea for them and know that He will fight for them, they need only stand and be still.

Pray that our sons and daughters would cry out to God for help when things are difficult and they are ‘sinking’.  Let Him be who they run to first and always.

Pray that in their crying to the Lord, they practice patience, understanding that He  really does hear them and will answer.

Pray that they would have confidence that God would rescue them and give them a firm place to stand, no matter the crisis and no matter the time or day or night.

Pray that our sons and daughters know and claim Jesus’ victory over sin and death as their own.  Pray that they stand firm and devote themselves to working for the Lord with all of their being.

Pray that our sons and daughters would: Be on their guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; and be strong

Let’s pray today that our sons and daughters are mindful of where and with whom they stand. Pray that they refuse to stand in the way that sinners take lest they find themselves on a road that leads away from the Lord.

Pray without ceasing.

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