Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Accomplished or Obedient?

Psalm 128:1 “Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in obedience to him.”

We live in a world where people judge others on their accomplishments.  Just look at any awards show- the actors or musicians gather to celebrate achievements and accomplishments and those who get the attention are those who performed well and gained attention and accolades.  Those who didn’t find their stars fading quickly.  As popular as someone can be one year, they might be just a memory the next.  The world would have us believe we’re only as valuable as our accomplishments.  Unfortunately, this mindset often begins early and can set a trajectory for a son or daughter that implies their worth is based on what they can do or accomplish, rather than on their relationship to God.

Have you ever wondered, if Noah’s parents were present as their son worked tirelessly on the ark, what did they think?  There he was, continually building that large boat when the world hadn’t even seen rain.  Perhaps family friends pitied Noah’s parents… “He’s so smart, so capable, why would he waste his time on a silly project like that?  Is he…..okay?”  Meanwhile, other parents may have taken the opportunity to share their children's successes and accomplishments.  Would Noah’s parents have tried to discourage him?  Or would they have encouraged him to keep obeying the Lord and His commands?  Would they build him up, reminding him that integrity is of greater value than fame and achievements?  Would they tell him to ignore the other voices and focus on what God called him to do?

Then there’s Daniel.  Oh, how his relatives might have been excited to see him work his way up through the ranks to the King’s service.  But when he was thrown in the lion’s den for his insistence on praying so publicly where others could see his bold disobedience to the King’s decree, I’m sure others looked on with pity…or disdain.  Were they embarrassed at how he seemingly ‘threw away’ his position and title?  Or did they encourage him and pray for him, standing by his decision and trusting the Lord for his care and keeping among the lions?

What about Abraham?  When he announced he was going to leave his father’s home and follow God - a God that his family didn’t know, were they angry or hurt?.  He was stepping away from the cultural expectation that he would live alongside his father and continue the family business, traditions and carry on the family name.  He was giving up his family’s reputation and wealth to follow God- a God they didn’t know or follow themselves.  Or did Abraham’s bold faith move them to consider surrendering their hearts to a God that was greater than any they’d ever known?

Here’s the thing, each of these men chose obedience to God over accomplishments and associations. In each circumstance, it was clear the world deemed this the ‘wrong choice’.   They could have chosen a different path that would have given them social acceptance, lucrative connections and power and fame.  Yet, those choices would have ultimately led them away from the Lord and to death.  Instead, they chose to obey and in their obedience, they were used by God to impact people and nations, not just in their time, but throughout history.  Obedience brings life. The choices the world lauds leads to darkness….and death.

That, friends, is what we need to pray about today.  How do we encourage our sons and daughters?  Are we more concerned with their earthly success and financial achievements or are we burdened to see them following after the Lord?  Do we care what the world says or are we passionate to see them hunger and thirst after Jesus?

Psalm 49:16-20 “Do not be overawed when others grow rich, when the splendor of their houses increases; for they will take nothing with them when they die, their splendor will not descend with them.  Though while they live they count themselves blessed— and people praise you when you prosper—they will join those who have gone before them, who will never again see the light of life.  People who have wealth but lack understanding are like the beasts that perish.”

Accomplishments or Obedience?

This week, let’s pray that our sons and daughters are moved to unwavering obedience to Christ and to following after Him rather than the world and it’s charms. Then, let’s begin to memorize Psalm 128:1 and pray it over our sons and daughters. “Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in obedience to him.”

Pray without ceasing, Friends.

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