Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

God Gives Good Things

“Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” Psalm 107:8-9 

Recently, while I was driving home, I pulled up to a stop sign.  There, on the far right corner was a lady walking her large pit bull in a harness.  The dog was pulling and straining and having fits as she looked across the street.  When I looked over, there was a mail carrier on the far left corner, messenger bag and pith helmet in place.  I thought, “Oh my, what those poor mail carriers have to contend with…he’s just trying to do his job.” 

I wondered if he would cross to the opposite corner before going on his way, but no, he didn’t.  That mail carrier stepped into the crosswalk and walked right toward the lady and her dog.  The closer he got, the more the dog strained and pulled and then I noticed, the dog was wiggling, wagging her tail and honestly, she smiled.  That assumedly “vicious dog” was eager to see her mail carrier friend and he was just as glad to see her! 

The mail carrier pulled out a dog treat from his bag and the pup eagerly ate it up.  There was no aggression, no fierce bark or growl.  The dog knew the mail carrier brought good things and she waited with anticipation until they met and ‘talked’.  And here’s the thing, the dog wasn’t at all bothered by how others might view her or the assumptions they held…she only had eyes for that mail carrier.  She knew he valued her and she’d be getting a treat as soon as he came near.  They trusted one another and enjoyed their impromptu meeting on the corner.

It made me think about we look to Jesus, or rather, how we should look to Him.  Do we see Him and get excited to talk to Him because He brings good things?  Or are we bothered about what others might think of us, of our affection for and commitment to Jesus.  Are we “all in”, knowing all that matters is how God sees us and that He wants fellowship with us?  Jesus sees our heart.  He knows our value.  He embraces us as His beloved child for whom He gave His life.  He’s not bothered by those looking on, He only has eyes for us- His beloved. He desires good for us.  And He longs that we would be excited to spend time with Him.  

God didn’t create us to be ‘religious’, to check the boxes and go through the motions.  He created us to enjoy a relationship with Him, to worship and adore Him and to enjoy all the benefits of knowing God personally. He wants us to desire to see Him, talk to Him, move closer and enjoy fellowship. He desires that we would trust Him and rely on Him for those good things.

Oh that our sons and daughters would be excited to wake up and talk to God!!  Imagine if their eyes would light up at the mention of Him!  Let’s pray that our sons and daughters take time with Jesus today because they’re excited to talk to Him.  Pray that they would look for the good things He promises and to respond to Him with joy!  Then, let’s lead by example!  Spend time enjoying the Presence of your Savior today.  Sit with Him, listen, worship, praise His name.  

Pray without ceasing.

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

The Ultimate Desire

Fellowship with God is the core desire that we were designed to experience and pursue.  It is the deepest longing and need we will ever know-whether or not we choose to acknowledge that fact.  We experience this longing because God has set eternity in the hearts of men (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and that will always stir a deep desire for something more than this world can give us…it’s the desire for more of Him, more of His Presence and more of His peace.  

But that we recognize it as a longing for God isn’t guaranteed.  Too often we strive to fill that longing with inadequate substitutes that cannot satisfy our hearts, our souls, and we struggle because of it.  We wrestle with restlessness.  We wander trying to find our purpose.  We pursue the ‘next thing’ assuring ourselves that will be the answer.  We continue to pursue temporal things to fill that God-desire in us, Even believers are duped into the deception of the futile pursuit of satisfaction by other means.  

Before we came to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, “we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces of the world” Galatians 4:3.  But when we confessed with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believed in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we moved from eternal death to eternal life (Romans 10:9).  And in that confession and belief, something in our heart, mind, and spirit changed.  God placed His Spirit in us.  “Because you are His sons, God sent the Spirit of His son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father” Galatians 4:6.  And we began a relationship with God, unlike any we knew or experienced before.  We began to experience the fulfillment of that longing that was set in our hearts from the time God created us.

“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb” Psalm 139:13.

God designed us to desire a relationship with Him.  Once we realize nothing else fills us and completes us like Jesus can and does, we are compelled to pursue more of Him.  But if we turn back and pursue other means to fill that longing, our spirit still cries out for our Abba Father. We cannot run from it.

The world tells us to pursue what will fill us and make us happy.  The job.  The relationship.  The ‘things’.  Renovate, redecorate, relocate.  Move up, move out, move on.  But what the world offers will never fulfill that eternal longing, because the world doesn’t possess the means, power, and resources to fill what only God can.  “For this world in its present form is passing away” 1 Corinthians 7:29. 

This is Satan’s biggest lie- that we can satisfy the longing of our hearts with the things of this world- lesser things, things that are not God.  And when we pursue that, we are dissatisfied, frustrated, and disillusioned. The result is that we often turn and rail at God because we are unhappy, lost, hurting, and unfulfilled. We blame Him for our discontent when we’ve tried to soothe it with everything but Him. 

HE is all we need.  ALL we need.  Any attempt to fill ourselves with anything else will always result in frustration and emptiness. 

“The Lord knows the thoughts of man; He knows that they are futile” Psalm 94:11.

So, how can we fulfill that desire?  Read Colossians 1: 9-12

“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.”

Take Action:

  1. Be filled with the knowledge of His will- study His word and get to know it.  The more we read Scripture, the more it sinks deeply into our heart, soul, and mind.  We must allow our spirit to run freely in the environment it was created to- in the Presence of the Most High God.  Our spirit cannot thrive when it’s seeking life from a source that is spiritually malnourished or empty of the things of God.  

  2. Cultivate spiritual wisdom.  This comes when we spend consistent time in God’s word (see #1) and we begin to grow ‘smart’ in the things of Scripture.  Our heart and head align in the context of the wisdom of God because we are saturating our mind with truth.

  3. Desire and pursue understanding.  The word ‘understanding’ in Greek is ‘synesis’ and it means “a mental putting together” (1).  In other words, when we understand, we begin to perceive and interpret correctly; we connect the precepts, truths, and council of Scripture and understand how God reveals Himself through it.  We begin to see how Scripture supports itself.  God’s word never returns void (Isaiah 55:11).

  4. Live a life worthy of the Lord.  We have to make the conscious choice to put ourselves aside and live for Him.  If we are forever pursuing our own happiness, we will be exhausted in the pursuit- it’s a perpetual cycle that goes nowhere and achieves nothing of eternal satisfaction.  We will continue to be dissatisfied, disillusioned and unfulfilled.  We must seek Him.  “But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.”  Deuteronomy 4:29

“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6

Who or what are we allowing to govern our mind?  Pursue life.  Pursue Peace.  Pursue Jesus.  Sit at His feet.  Let Him speak into your soul.  Live for Him and allow Him to fill that which is lacking in you.  You will know a deep satisfaction and a fellowship like no other.  You will be filled.  

”Whom have I in heaven but you?
    And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
    but God is the strength of my heart
    and my portion forever.”

Psalm 73:25-26

Take time in prayer that God would fill you with a desire for more of Him and would guide you in pursuit of that relationship. Then, pray for others to do the same.  Pray for your family, your sons and daughters.  Pray for your loved ones.  Pray for your church and the global church at large.  Pray for those in ministry.  Satan wants nothing more than to have God’s people seeking that which will not satisfy and living in frustration because God isn’t fulfilling their misdirected desires.

Prayer is never pointless and it brings us to the Throne of the One who can effect change and bring all things under His Lordship where we can delight in fellowship with the One who made us.  

Pray without ceasing.

  1. G4907 - synesis - Strong's Greek Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

  2. G2556 - kakos - Strong's Greek Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

What Kind of Knowledge?

2 Peter 1:2-4 “Grace and peace by yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.  His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.  Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

Wow!  Those two verses are packed with rich truth and promises, aren’t they?  Sometimes we plow into scripture and we’re focused on the quantity we consume, telling ourselves the more we read, the better.  And, while in the big picture, that’s true- God wants us to spend time in His Word and not just ‘taste test’ but consume it cover to cover, He wants us to truly savor the richness of His Word as well.  When we slow down and really dig into what scripture is saying, we often find a depth and richness there that we wouldn’t by just reading through to check off our progress.

Today’s verses have so much we can pray through for our sons and daughters.  Let’s take a look!

Did you know that in 2 Peter chapter 1, the word ‘knowledge’ is used 5 times!!  And here’s the thing we need to pay attention to -it’s not always the same word.  Oh, in English it’s the same, but in the original Greek, there are two words for knowledge that are used.  That’s important!  Verses 2, 3 and 8 use the word ‘epignosis’.  Verses 5 and 6 use the word ‘gnosis’.   So, what’s the difference?

Epignosis is the knowledge that is distinguished by recognition (1).  It’s indicative of a relationship.  It comes from a root word, epignosko which means “thoroughly acquainted with” (2) and another word ginosko, which means “to become known” to be recognized by someone (3). This is not just ‘informational’ knowledge, it’s relational knowledge - a true knowing of someone who also knows you. It’s not knowing about someone and it’s not based on information and facts. It’s relational and experiential. It’s deep and personal.

Gnosis is a knowledge about and of something, an understanding and general intelligence of that person or thing (4).  It’s the knowledge of the ‘culture’ of something- knowing the rules and the ‘lingo’, but gnosis does not indicate a relationship.

Do you see the difference?  

There are many people with ‘gnosis’ of Christianity.  They know the words to say and have an understanding of the expected conduct. Their words and actions may reflect the culture of Christianity, but they lack the ‘epignosis’, the relationship with Jesus.  

2 Peter 1:2-4 explains the benefits we receive and enjoy because of our epignosis- our relationship with Jesus.

Grace and peace in abundance

Everything we need for life and godliness

Called by His own glory and goodness

Great and precious promises

The right and privilege to partake in the divine nature

Protection and preservation to escape corruption caused by evil desires.

Friends, that list is a powerful one and those benefits come because of the relationship with Jesus, not because we understand the culture and have the head knowledge of Scripture.

Someone can say they know the Queen of England.  They might know her name, where she lives, what her favorite things are, the names of her family members, her accomplishments throughout her lifetime.  But, if the Queen stepped into the room and that individual was there, would she recognize them?  No, of course not.  Why?  Because they have no relationship with the Queen, they’ve never met.  Knowing about someone isn’t the same as knowing them. 

Oh, how we want our sons and daughters to have grace and peace in abundance and everything they need for life and godliness!  We want that assurance that they’ve been called by God to enjoy His promises and be protected against the enemy and the ravages of sin.  We want to know that they KNOW Jesus personally.  The heart knowledge has to be there before the head knowledge is truly effective and life-changing.  

Today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters have ‘epignosis’ of Jesus.  A true recognition and experiential knowledge because they walk in relationship with Him. Pray that they are ‘epignosko’, thoroughly acquainted with Him and know Him well, recognizing Him in all things, seeing Him at work in their life and that they enjoy ‘ginosko’, being recognized by God as one of His own children because of their relationship with Him

“Father God, I’m so grateful I can call You my Father.  You see me and know me as your child.  What a beautiful relationship!  Lord, I pray today that (name) would step into a faithful, life-changing relationship with You.  Lord, impress on their heart a deep need to know you more- not just ‘facts’ and ‘rules’ but a true growing relationship that is transformative.  Holy Spirit, I pray that You would stir a hunger and thirst in (name)’s heart today.  Convict them of sin.  Create a desire to know You more.  Let the ‘trappings’ of religion fall away.  This is not about rules and good deeds.  It’s about knowing Jesus personally as Lord and Savior and pursuing a real relationship with the One True Sovereign God.  Please let (name) embrace and enjoy that relationship with You today.  Lord, give them your abundant grace and peace.  Set them in fellowship with other believers and help them learn Your Truth that will protect them and produce godliness in them.  Remind them of your great and precious promises that are unbounded by time and borders, faithful throughout history and unmoved by the plans of men.  Lord, I pray for your holy protection and preservation over their life that they would, through authentic relationship with You, be counted worthy to escape temptation and corruption by evil desires and the influence of the enemy.  I pray that You would move and work in their heart and mind today.  Call them to faithfully follow You.  Help them to understand that knowing ‘about’ you isn’t the same as truly being in a relationship with You.  Let them crave Jesus, in His name, amen.”

Take time to memorize 2 Peter 1:2-4 “Grace and peace by yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.  His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.  Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

Pray without ceasing.

  1. G1922 - epignōsis - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

  2. G1921 - epiginōskō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

  3. G1097 - ginōskō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

  4. G1108 - gnōsis - Strong's Greek Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Fear, Faith, & Examples to Follow

Matthew 14:25-33 “Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.  But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.  “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”  “Come,” he said.  Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”  Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”  And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.””

Let’s look at the actions and responses of the disciples:

  1. They saw Jesus, but they didn’t recognize Him, they were terrified.

  2. They cried out in fear.

  3. Peter stepped out of the boat at Jesus’ invitation and began to walk on the water

  4. Peter got distracted by the wind and waves around him and began to sink, he cried out in fear

  5. Jesus and Peter returned to the boat together

  6. The disciples worshiped Jesus and acknowledged His Deity.

Now, look at the actions and responses of Jesus:

  1. Jesus walked on the water to the disciples’ boat- He knew right where they were

  2. He immediately reassured them when they cried out in fear

  3. He invited Peter to come out on the water with Him (He didn’t rebuke his doubt or give a sermon, He simply said “Come”

  4. Jesus immediately reached out to catch Peter as he began to sink.  There is that word again…immediately

  5. Jesus questioned Peter’s faith and his doubt

  6. He climbed into the boat with Peter and the disciples.

Do you notice the difference?  The disciples were focused on the situation.  Jesus was focused on the relationship.  Go back and read the lists again. 

The disciples didn’t even recognize Jesus. He was there. He spoke to them, but their distraction at the things going on around them kept them from hearing His voice.

Then, Peter stepped out in faith to walk on the water. We need to ask, was he motivated to prove something to himself (that it really was Jesus) something to others (that he would be the one to walk on water) or was he fully driven to walk toward Christ- focused on Him, pursuing Him?

Jesus said “Come”, an invitation to join Him, an offer to pursue relationship and Peter was initially focused on Jesus, yes.  But as soon as he got distracted, he shifted his focus to what was going on around him. He began to sink. Peter quickly realized the impact of fear on his focus, his faith and his position.  He got distracted by the situation.

When we struggle with anxiety and fear and we pursue ways to control it, face it and conquer it, are we doing it to prove something to ourselves, to others, or to pursue Christ?  Are we focused on the relationship, or on the events going on around us?

Friends, there is so much that can captivate our thoughts and our hearts.  Where is our focus?  Are we listening to Jesus, calling us to come to Him?  Are we looking to Him alone in the midst of our storm, or are we too busy watching the wind and waves and anticipating what they will do to us?  How often do we allow our fear and anxiety to consume our focus?  …And if we’re sinking, what kind of example are we setting for others…for our sons and daughters?

Here are the things we need to remember.

  1. In Matthew 14, Jesus knew exactly where the disciples were.  He knows right where we are too.  He knows where our sons and daughters are.  He can be right there with them, reassuring them, calling them to ‘come’.

  2. God will direct us into things we cannot handle on our own- we need to trust Him

  3. The boat was buffeted by the waves…but as soon as Jesus stepped into the boat, the wind died down - When we invite Jesus into our storm, He brings peace.  His presence calms our anxiety.  The difficulty may still be there, but our focus shifts and our heart is assured because our Savior is at the helm. We hear His voice. We know and enjoy His presence. He brings peace and dispels our fear.

It’s no wonder, then, that we see Peter remind us in 1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”  Peter knew that first hand.

Today, stop and talk to the Lord, He’s calling you to come.  Focus on Him, not the storm.  Invite Him into your ‘boat’.  Rest in the fact that He sees and knows all.  Nothing is out of his control.  Let’s refocus.  Let’s cast our anxiety and fear aside and look to the Lord.  He’s calling us to come.  Let’s set the example for our sons and daughters and pursue Christ instead of sinking in the sea of fear and worry.

Pray without ceasing.

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