Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Faithful Promises

Hebrews 10:23  “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.”

Have you ever held onto a certificate or coupon, guarding it carefully, only to realize it expired, lost its value and is now worthless?  That once-treasured ticket of much value is only paper now.

Hebrews chapter 10 explains how Jesus’ blood sacrifice and resurrection open the way for us to stand in the Holy of Holies- in the very presence of God.  If we have faith that Christ’s substitutionary atonement was and is sufficient to atone for our sin, we have an eternal promise from that Lord that He sees us as His own.  He is faithful.  He doesn’t go back on His promises.  His guarantee never expires and the seal of the Holy Spirit on our lives, marking us as saved, redeemed, adopted and beloved, that seal will never lose its value or expire.  

Let us hold fast to the confession of our faith without wavering- because He who promised is FAITHFUL!!  

Friends, do our sons and daughters have this depth of confidence and security in their faith?  Do they trust that once saved, they will always belong to the Lord?  God doesn’t offer salvation and indwell us just to change His mind and cast us aside.  We have an anchor for our souls that can weather any storm, whether physical or spiritual.  Our Lord is faithful!!

Today, let’s pray that our sons and daughters fully understand the depth and longevity of God’s faithfulness to them.

“Heavenly Father, thank You for your Faithfulness to us- it’s hard to comprehend with our finite minds the infinite nature of your Faithfulness and Goodness to us. I pray that even today, (name) would begin to really understand just how faithful, reliable, and true You are.  Lord, grow their faith and deepen their trust.  Strengthen their grip so they can hold fast to the faith they have.  Make them strong, Lord, so they don’t waver.  This life is unpredictable, but You are steadfast.  Circumstances can become difficult and tumultuous, people can be unreliable and hurtful, but You are steady; You are peace; You are the anchor for our souls in the hard of this life.  I pray that (name) would know this, believe this and live with confidence in Your faithfulness to them.  Lord, build their faith and trust today.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.

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