Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Have No Fear

2 Timothy 1:7  For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

It’s rare that we live our lives without encountering hard things, isn’t it? Life is full of challenges.  Some greater than others.  Maybe it’s a day of ‘everything going wrong’ or maybe it’s a diagnosis that changes life altogether.  It could be a short-lived challenge or a chronic issue that becomes a companion of sorts.  Maybe it’s earth-shattering or just inconvenient.  Whatever the ‘hard’, God equips us to deal.  But it’s not US that makes us capable, it’s God IN us.

If we are believers, the Spirit of God lives in us.  Think about that.  The Spirit of God lives IN US.  So, when we’re afraid or intimidated or overwhelmed, it is so important that we remind ourselves of the Scriptural Truth that God’s Spirit is alive and active in us and can empower us to do whatever it is God is calling us to...even the hard stuff.  God’s Spirit does not make us timid and fearful, but gives us power, love and a sound mind (self-discipline).  

When our sons or daughters call us in a ‘tizzy’ over something that has them fearful, frazzled or overwhelmed, let’s be mindful of how we’re going to encourage them.  Friends, our responsibility as parents and fellow believers is to encourage them in Truth.  More than just console them (which is needed) we need to encourage them to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) and grab hold of that power of God that lives in them.  We want to enable Godly living, not enable the fear.

God doesn’t indwell them in order to allow them to remain fearful, but to empower them to live with boldness and confidence to confront what they are facing with Godly strength, love and discipline.

Today, let’s pray for our sons and daughters to live with that Spirit-led power, love and self-discipline and to not just ‘think’ they can, but to fully believe they can and will do it!  Let’s pray that fear steps aside and knows its place in light of the Spirit’s power and presence.

Pray without ceasing.

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Under His Wings

Psalm 91:4-5  “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.  You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,”

Have you ever watched chickens…really watched them?  The mature chickens strut about, pecking and scratching for food, but the baby chicks will curiously wander and then scurry back to their mother to hide under her wings.  Each chick knows to which hen it belongs.  Each hen knows her brood and if they’re threatened, she becomes more like a Momma Bear than a silly hen.  She will pull herself up to her full height, flap her wings and protect her babies.  All the while, gathering them underneath her to ensure their safety.  Those chicks know, without a doubt, the safest place is under their Mama's wings.

But sometimes there is an ‘independent’ chick in the flock, one who wanders off, oblivious to the dangers. That chick may not realize that wandering too far could make life dangerous...and short-lived, putting them at-risk of attack by the Enemy.  There is protection and security when the chicks stay near those wings of refuge.

So when Scripture gives us that picture of taking refuge under the wings of the Almighty God, we understand what the Psalmist is trying to tell us, in fact, we can picture it well.  “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.”  We can run to our Savior and know that He is watching over us and He is ready to protect us from anything that might threaten us.  He gathers us in and covers us so that the Enemy can’t see us or reach us.  Jesus shelters us so that we’re safe and He gives us warmth and protection in His presence.

As believers, we are not immune to fear or attack.  It lurks around us and taunts us. It can bring on a sudden and desperate need for comfort.  When we feel the attack we want to run and hide; we look for shelter and warmth that will reassure and protect us.  We quickly search for what will offer a place of refuge and safety.  If we are children of God, we don’t have to look far. God is that refuge and safe place for us and He is ever-present and always available.  

We need to run to Him. We can trust that His wings are broad enough and strong enough to cover us and His feathers are soft and warm enough to provide the comfort we desperately crave.  He will shield us from those flaming arrows of the Enemy so that we do not have to fear.

Let’s pray that our sons and daughters walk closely with their Father and turn to the Lord when they are afraid, finding precious refuge under His wings.

“Lord, I pray that (name) would walk closely with You.  Help them to rely upon You each day and turn and run to You whenever they fear danger or attack.   You, Lord, are their refuge and protection.  Help them to feel welcome and comforted under Your wings.  I ask that (name) would understand Your sweet protection and would seek it out.  Keep (name) from wandering away from Your protection and care.  Lord, let your faithfulness be their shield and rampart.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

When I Am Afraid…

Psalm 56:3-4  “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.  In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

Let’s try something.  Read the following sentences and fill in the blank:

The thing I fear most is _________.

When I am afraid I  __________.  

Fear makes me think about __________.

Fear initiates a reflexive reaction, whether it be a scream, a jump or a paralyzing effect that holds the person statue-still.  That reflexive reaction is not something one ponders and plans, it happens automatically.  It’s what is ‘programmed’ into the body and mind as the go-to response. 

When something makes us afraid, we can experience panic and insecurity, uncertainty or mistrust and even complete terror.  We might lose all sense of hope, security and direction.  Fear can unnerve and disorient us.  Even the strongest, most confident person can be derailed by fear.  

When our children were little and something frightened them, we would see them running toward us and then wrapping themselves around our legs, seeking refuge and comfort.  Storms or bad dreams brought them scurrying in, crawling between us, seeking safety under our covers, wrapped in our arms.  But, how do they respond as adults?

We don’t want to numb our fears or ignore them.  We can’t put on rose-colored glasses and pretend they’re not there.  No, we need to face them.  But when we do, we must face them with the confidence the Lord provides.  We can’t conquer our fears, but God can! Friends, it’s so important to be intentional about how we allow ourselves to respond to fear and that we encourage our sons and daughters to respond appropriately.  If we do not seek the Lord, we risk embracing false comforts that are shallow and even dangerous. How many people have we observed seeking comfort in a bottle or pill?  How many try to quell their fears in dysfunctional relationships, only to find another form of fear and insecurity there? 

Psalm 56:3-4 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.  In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

We need to work on our trust-response so that it becomes automatic -so we can say “when I am afraid I…. put my trust in God! … in God, whose word I praise!” And in order to praise God’s word, we need to know God’s Word in order to call it to mind. Intentional time with the Lord in His word prepares us well to face our fears with full trust in the Lord.

And, if we are trusting in the Almighty Sovereign God, really, what can mortal man do to us?  We have the Creator of the Universe wrapping His arms of protection around us and He upholds us securely with His mighty, righteous right hand.

 Let’s pray today that our sons and daughters:

  1. Confront their fear by trusting in God- that He is the One they run to when they are afraid.

  2. Confide in God and confess their deepest fears to Him- He has the power to overcome them.

  3. Have confidence and trust in the Almighty to protect them from even their worst fears- what can mortal man do to them?

“Father, we confess, too often we allow our fears to control us.  We give more power and attention to the things that frighten us than we do to You.  Change our view, Lord.  Turn our attention to You, Lord.  When we are afraid, help us to fully believe in and have confidence in You to protect us.  Build in daily reminders that would cause us to look to You.  Let our automatic response become trust and confidence, not fear.  You alone are our confidence and secure fortress, we have nothing to fear.  Do not let us be intimidated by others who would bully, persecute or try to destroy us- they cannot harm us.  We are Your children, set apart and sanctified, citizens of Your kingdom with an inheritance from You, our Father.  I pray, today, that (name) would be confident in You, free from fear and intimidation.  Help (name) to learn Your Word and look to You, trusting in You for their confidence and deliverance.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

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