The Hope God Provides!
Hope is powerful and it’s what everyone is looking for in this life, isn’t it? We long for hope. We look for it when we can’t go on; when we can’t do it ourselves. It is what helps us hold on and endure trials, hardships and grief and without it, we wither and we fail.
But hope needs to be anchored in something unchangeable, omnipotent, and secure. Otherwise, that hope we hold to is variable and insufficient, erratic and unreliable. We become a storm-tossed dingy headed for the rocks because our hope is tethered to that which changes and is storm-tossed as well.
The prophet, Jeremiah, was just a teenager when he was called by God to prophesy to Israel. He endured ridicule, abuse, and rejection because he shared God’s warning of judgement for Israel’s rebellion and Israel didn’t want to hear it. He had a message that was unwelcome, though it was from God. The book of Lamentations describes Jeremiah’s suffering as a servant of the Lord and his lament over the hardships and awful treatment. Jeremiah 3:19-21 is especially important to read, “I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:...” (emphasis added)
Jeremiah wasn’t waiting on a change of circumstances. He wasn’t expecting an apology from those who mistreated him. He wasn’t looking for things to ‘get better’ so that his heart could be at rest. No, his hope was anchored in something steady, sure, and unchanging. His hope was anchored in Who God was and is.
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”
Jeremiah prayed for rescue, that God would bring deliverance and vindication, but that change of circumstances wasn’t what drove him forward and what gave him hope. He was calling to mind the character of God- that unchangeable, ever-present power that is unwavering and always for us. He knew the God who created him, who created the world, who was Sovereign over everything was sovereign over his circumstances and he could trust Him. He reminded his heart and mind of these:
The Lord’s great love.
His unfailing compassion.
His faithfulness.
The Lord is his portion.
The Lord is good.
The Lord provides salvation.
You see, if we wait on our circumstances to change in order to assure and secure our hope, we will be disappointed, in fact, we will be ruined.
Oh that our sons and daughters would learn to anchor their hope in Jesus Christ and not in the things of this world. Seasons change, leaders come and go, finances grow and weaken, relationships falter, but God is ever-present and strong. If our hope is in Him, we have nothing to fear! If they’re waiting on something other than God to solidify their hope and bring contentment, they will wait a lifetime being unsure and unfulfilled and they will cultivate an erratic rollercoaster of emotion and insecurity. Because if our hope and peace are reliant on things of this world, we will never have either.
God made this clear in His covenant with Abraham. God swore on the only unchangeable thing- Himself, to assure Abraham that the promise would be sure and true. He would make Abraham a nation. But that served as a clear message to all who would come after, that God’s unchangeable nature is the one thing that makes our hope as believers secure.
When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself, saying, “I will surely bless you and give you many descendants.” And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.
People swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument. Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. (emphasis added) Hebrews 6:13-20
As believers in Christ, we are the heirs of what was promised. We have fled to take hold of the hope set before us. The hope of redemption, forgiveness, mercy and grace, and an eternal inheritance with God in His Presence. THAT is our hope! Do we live like it is or are we shattered by what we see and experience? Do we wring our hands as if there is no rescue available? Do we live as if this world is our destiny? If so, we’re in that storm-tossed dingy, anchored to nothing stable. But if we know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our eternity is secure. This life is temporary. We are here to do what He calls us to do for the short time that we have. Our hope is anchored firmly and securely.
What are our children holding onto? In who or what is their hope anchored? Let’s pray that they gain perspective and the right understanding that Jesus is their hope and anchor. Let’s pray that they begin to enjoy the stability offered by God that, no matter the circumstances, His love, compassion, faithfulness, goodness and salvation are unchanging and that He, alone, is their portion.
““Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.” (Jer. 32:17) I know that You can change (name)’s heart and perspective to recognize and believe, with conviction, that You are the only anchor they need. Lord, speak to (name) today. Make Yourself real to them. Show them the unchangeable nature of Your character so that they stop trying to put their hope in circumstances and other people and firmly anchor their hope in Jesus Christ, their Lord and Savior. Father, I know this world is getting darker and the enemy is seeking to devour anyone and everyone he can before he is cast away. Lord, I pray that You would protect (name) from deception. Protect them from despair. Provide their mind and heart so that even in difficult circumstances or painful events, You are the anchor that holds them steady. Protect them from drifting spiritually and ensure they remain firm in their conviction and understanding of Scripture. Lord, give them a hope that is anchored in You so that others can see the testimony of belief, trust, and confidence in Christ. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”
Prodigal Prayer
“Lord, (name) is not walking with you and has a ‘flimsy hope’ that is dependent on circumstances and things of this world. They are continuously disappointed, disillusioned, and lost because nothing brings hope. YOU are the hope they need. I pray that You would make Yourself real to (name). Show them Your mighty hand. Make Your Presence known. Nothing is too hard for You. Help me to cling to You, my anchor as I wait. I know that my timeline is different from Yours and You are Lord of the clock, the calendar, and of our very existence. You made a covenant with Abraham long before I was born, yet I was on your mind when you promised him a nation. Lord, help me to rest in Your strength and sovereignty. Bring (name) to repentance and salvation so they are anchored in Christ, and nowhere else. In Jesus name I pray, amen.”
~Pray without ceasing
Are you looking for a resource to help as you pray for a prodigal. Do you know someone battling in prayer for one who is wandering? Consider reading 40 Days of Prayer for the Prodigal, a great resource to help you pray for one who needs to come to faith in Christ!
And check out the companion journal too!
Find both the book and journal on Amazon!
Some people choose a word for the year, one that will be their focus and potentially represent what they choose to do, accomplish, and be. Maybe it’s ‘health’ or ‘positivity’. We download apps and follow influencers hoping to make the changes that will make us better.
But God doesn’t set expectations that WE would better ourselves on our own- we honestly don’t have the ability to do that. Oh, we might be able to generate an illusion… but so often our efforts leave us feeling discouraged and defeated. What God does ask of us is that we follow Him. Follow. Not lead. Not walk nearby or on a similar pathway, but follow.
“Follow me.”
The word ‘follow’ in Greek is the word “akoloutheo” and it means to be in the same way with, to accompany, to cleave steadfastly to one, to conform wholly to His example in living and, if need be, dying.” 1
A great way to begin our year is by praying that our sons and daughters follow Jesus. Not a casual ‘checking in to see updates’ or looking for the most popular trend, but following Jesus faithfully, daily, passionately. Does their life reflect a commitment to Jesus? Do their choices, their words and actions, their pursuits and values demonstrate that Jesus is the One they value over anything and anyone else?
Here’s another important question, does our own life reflect that? Do we live with a passion to serve Him? It’s important because even though our sons and daughters are grown, they’re still watching us. They look to us to be examples…or the justification for why they choose to do…or not do. Are we following well?
If we are following Christ, our life will demonstrate that. People will believe what we say when our life exhibits the evidence that our words are true. Do we live as if we’re in the same way with Jesus, accompanying Him, cleaving steadfastly to Him and conforming wholly to His example in living and, if need be, dying.” 1
Oh that we would all have a passion for Christ that consumes us to the point that we radiate joy, we seek to serve, we delight in praise and worship, and we hold the things of this world very lightly. Our life isn’t here, it is with Christ. We are only here for a short time- let’s make the most of it for Jesus! Let’s commit to pray, every day, that we and our sons and daughters, would follow Christ with conviction, with a commitment that doesn’t waver, and that we would daily choose Him over everything and everyone else.
“Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, there is no shadow of turning with Thee.” 2
No shadow of turning. Consider the visual image of that. Someone who is in the light, who doesn’t turn to either side or turn back doesn’t give evidence of a shadow, ever.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17 Our God is faithful and steady. If we are to be like Him, that means we should demonstrate the same- no shadow of turning; faithful to follow for all the days of our life. We have so little time, we can’t waste it turning aside to pursue what this world offers.
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,” Hebrews 10:23-24 ESV
Our sons and daughters need our intercession now more than ever! We have a mighty calling! Are we going to embrace it, take up the challenge and pray? Oh, friends, let’s do it! Let’s commit to praying for this next generation. God, in His mercy and kindness, has granted us another year. Let’s take on 2025 as if it may be our last year to fervently and effectively pray for our sons and daughters, our loved ones, our neighbors and even those we don’t know and have never met. Satan is in an all-out war to take captive as many souls as he can. Let’s fight his agenda! Let’s battle against his tactics. Let’s follow Jesus unwaveringly, fighting the good fight until He returns! Pray without ceasing!
“Heavenly Father, I bring (name) before You today. I know You know them well. You created them. I ask today that You would empower and embolden them to follow You faithfully. Lord, impress upon them the need to be fully committed to You, surrendered to Your will, and eager to serve You in whatever way and place You might call them. Help me to pray faithfully and to surrender to Your will as well. Lord, I know the hopes and dreams I have for them, but Yours are greater and hold eternal value. Help me to follow You without turning aside to my own hopes or agenda. Help me to pray unselfishly and according to Your will. Lord, I ask that You would protect (name). Keep them from deception. Fill them with wonder at Your word and a desire to live for You, to worship and praise You and to live a life that exhibits no shadow of turning. I pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.”
Prodigal Prayer- “Lord, name is following other paths that they believe will earn them the life they deserve and the reward they crave. I pray You would get (name)’s attention. Open their eyes to see that they are following empty things- things that only deliver disappointment and ultimately, destruction . They are on a road that leads to eternal death. And in their following, they are accompanying others who are walking towards death. Lord, turn them around, help them to see You promise forgiveness and redemption, eternal life and an inheritance that is beyond anything this world can offer. Give (name) a desire to know and follow You. Change what they follow so that they would follow You.”
G190 - akoloutheō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from
Chisholm, T. O. (n.d.). Great is thy faithfulness.
Big Things are Coming!
It’s a new year and that often inspires us to make a fresh start, set goals, and reset our focus and priorities. But one thing stands unchanged, our need for Jesus, time in His Word and time talking, and listening, to Him. I hope that you’ll come along with us this year to deepen your commitment to pray for your children, your loved ones, and for those who don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. There are exciting things happening here at Join the PAC Prayer, including a new book launching this month- 40 Days of Prayer for the Prodigal and a new initiative in praying for prodigals!!
Friends, time is short. Jesus is returning soon. This life that He’s given us here on earth is temporary and we’re not meant to ‘make it our own’ but to use it for His honor and glory! What can we do in the time we have remaining to make His name known? How can we encourage others to live for Him? How can we pray more effectively for the family of believers to represent Him well? My prayer is that God would use this page to encourage and inspire others to live for Christ, to be bold in their testimony, and to raise up Godly young men and women who would go into this world and unashamedly proclaim the name of Jesus in their words and actions. Will you join us to grow in faith, commit to pray, and stand firm in what God has called us to do?
The format is simple, each week I’ll post a devotional and prayer prompt, and this year I’m adding “Prodigal Prayer” - a simple prayer focus that we can pray for anyone who needs to surrender their life to Christ, whether son or daughter, spouse, parent or sibling, or dear friend or loved one. Satan is working hard to deceive, distract, and defeat. But we have the power of Christ! The same power that raised Him from the dead is the power that works in us! (Eph. 1:19-23) Let’s pray like we believe that!
Come along with me this year and Join the PAC. Share the site and encourage others to join in! Let’s pray together! “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16).
Who Directs Your Steps?
Jeremiah 10:23 “Lord, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps.”
Look around at the ‘inspirational messaging’ that’s being pushed these days. It often goes something like this: “You can do anything you want to do!”, “Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it!”, “Your only limit is your mind!”.
Ah, these are such inspirational words and it’s likely, on occasion, we’ve encouraged our sons and daughters with some similar things. Yet, when we do, what we’re saying isn’t necessarily Biblical advice. In fact, sometimes it’s quite the opposite. Often, the ‘inspiration and motivation’ are self-focused, not God-focused.
If we are believers, it’s not up to us to determine our steps. God has a plan for our life and we are called to lay down our lives, our dreams, our goals and, instead, seek the Lord and His will for our lives. Proverbs 20:24 says “A person’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way?”
Look at Genesis and the story of Joseph. He likely envisioned himself a shepherd for life, settling down and raising his family alongside his many brothers and their children. He didn’t plan on his brothers betraying him and selling him into slavery. He didn’t ‘dream and achieve’ a life of bondage and imprisonment in Egypt. But, oh, he dreamed!! He dreamed exactly what God intended him to and God used those dreams to position Joseph as the second most powerful man in Egypt and, as such, save the nation of Israel. Did it play out how Joseph would have envisioned it? No, not at all. Yet, God did more than Joseph or his family could have asked or imagined - and it brought glory to God.
Then, consider Esther. Nearly every little girl dreams of being a princess, but Esther’s dream came about much differently. She was forced into the King’s harem and in the process, had to hide her identity as a Jewess. Yet, God placed her in the palace ‘for such a time as this’ and used her mightily to save His people. She never could have planned her steps to get herself into the presence of the King- that would have brought death, not life. She never could have had the impact on a Kingdom without God’s hand and protection. There is no way she could have single-handedly saved a nation without God upholding her and providing the strength and wisdom to accomplish His purposes.
Friends, God’s plans far exceed our own. Our limited minds cannot fathom or begin to imagine the vast impact of what He chooses to do with us, in us and through us. That is true for our sons and daughters as well. Let’s be careful that our ‘hopes and dreams’ don’t distract our sons and daughters from God’s intentions for them.
God’s plan for all of us was set in place before the world was even created. If left to our own imagination, our lives would be a feeble attempt at making a difference and being successful...and in no way would resemble the amazing story that God weaves for us! We need to encourage our sons and daughters to seek the Lord, fully, completely, and without ceasing. His plans and goals for them are far better than anything they could imagine and what He calls them to is exactly what He’s created them to do. Their path is already determined, it’s up to them to believe and obey.
Pray today that our sons and daughters would seek the Lord’s will for their life and follow the steps He’s planned for them.
Pray without ceasing.