Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Under the Influence

“Influencer”.  It’s the new-ish word to describe someone whose life, choices, actions, and preferences are followed by thousands, perhaps even millions of people.  They really don’t ‘do’ much, but they’ve gathered a following of people who seem to hang on their every word, imitate their fashion and deem the products they pitch as the ‘best’.  They garner a following on social media and their income is dependent on the numbers who follow and purchase the corresponding products.  Interestingly, it has little to do with character and much to do with social appeal and surface appearances.

When you step back, it’s actually a bit disturbing.  These people wield so much power and influence, yet they don’t really do much other than share their daily thoughts and purchase suggestions.  They have little interest in their followers other than that they keep following.

So, who is influencing our sons and daughters?  To whom do they look for guidance, for recommendations on how to live and how to present themselves?  

In Scripture, we see the influencers sitting at the city gate.  They were the ones who knew the Word and who had wisdom and authority to speak into situations and settle disputes.  They were the elders and business people who proved themselves trustworthy and wise. 

You see, the influences of the Bible were those who were motivated by respect for and fear of God.  Their intent was to live with integrity and please Him.  Their goal was to serve Him well.  There was nothing selfish about it.  Their goal wasn’t gaining followers, but following Him. Job 31:21-23  says “if I have raised my hand against the fatherless, knowing that I had influence (ezra) in court (or the gates), then let my arm fall from the shoulder, let it be broken off at the joint.  For I dreaded destruction from God, and for fear of his splendor I could not do such things.”

The Hebrew word ‘ezra’ means to help.  And to whom are these influencers in Scripture looking for help?  They look to the Lord and His strength.  That’s what gave their words, actions and decisions substance. But who do today’s influencers look to?  They look to themselves and to others who can help promote them.  

Here’s the thing, if ever a follower of today’s influencers would put out a cry for help, it’s unlikely the influencer would hear. Even if they were aware, it’s unlikely they would attempt to make a difference.  That’s not what they do. It’s not why they ‘influence’. They are in it not out of concern for their followers but only for themselves.  But when we follow the Lord, He is keenly aware of our needs and hears our cry for help.  The Lord is our ‘ezra’, our help in times of trouble.  When we look to the world, we are left wanting.  When we look to the Lord, we are wanted, chosen, loved, and protected.

Isaiah 50:9 “It is the Sovereign LORD who helps me.  Who will condemn me?  They will all wear out like a garment; the moths will eat them up.”

It’s true that today’s influencers will wear out like a garment.  Whatever is today’s ‘hot item’ can become tomorrow’s ‘old news’.  This world and its preferences are fickle and ever-changing.  But the Lord never changes.  He won’t wear out and He won’t lose His power.  He is the influencer we should all follow faithfully.  Today, let’s pray these scriptures over our sons and daughters, putting their names in and speaking out loud the truth and power of God’s Word.

Psalm 28:7 “The LORD is (name’s) strength and shield; (name’s) heart trusts in Him, and He helps (name).  (Name’s) heart leaps for joy, and with (his/her) song (they) praise Him.”

Psalm 54:4 “Surely God is (name’s) help; the Lord is the one who sustains (name).”

Psalm 199:173 “May your hand be ready to help (name), for (name) has chosen your precepts.”

“Father, I pray that You would be the influence that (name) follows diligently.  Bring others around them who would speak Biblical Truth into their lives.  Do not let them be distracted by the voices and influencers of this world who, by their flashy words and seemingly popular status want to make others think that life and happiness come from ‘things’, ‘status’, and ‘popularity’.  Help (name) to see beyond the shallow, temporal veil that covers the emptiness of this world and the attractions it peddles.  I pray, Father, that (name) would look to You for their help and their rescue.  Let (name) know that You are their strength and shield, their sustainer and protector.  I pray that You would deepen their commitment and resolve to only be deeply influenced by You and Your Word.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Isaiah 41:13 “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

Pray without ceasing.

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