Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Green Pastures, Still Waters

“He makes me lie down in green pastures,” Psalm 23:2

(rest, satisfying our hunger)

“Rabas-'' to cause to lie down, stretch out; [term] used of quadrupeds, which lie on their breast with their feet tucked under them.” (1)

When our children were young, we often made them lie down for a nap because we knew they needed rest. It was good for them and refreshing.  We’d peek in on them to see them stretched out or curled up, snug in their bed and secure in their safety because they knew we were present to protect them.  They didn’t feel the need to sleep in a pose that would have them ready to defend themselves because they rested in our watchful protection.  “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for You alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8  God is our watch-care Shepherd.  He leads us to safe places where we can rest and be refreshed without concern of the enemy.  

The green pastures are not just for rest, though.  God uses them to satisfy our hunger with good nutrition.  When we follow our Shepherd we are spiritually filled and satisfied beyond anything this world could supply.  Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

Parents, we need to live by example and show our sons and daughters that we, too, find our spiritual nutrition in the ‘green pastures’ to which the Lord leads us.  We set an example for our sons and daughters to not fill up on the ‘junk food’ of this world but to fill ourselves with the lush spiritual truths from Scripture.  And how satisfying that is!

“Great Creator, Lord of all, Jehovah Provider, I pray that (name) would feast on the abundance of Your table each day.  Help them to satiate their hunger on the Truth of Your Word and savor the beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Let them develop a distinguished spiritual palate that is put off by ‘processed’ and ‘fake’ foods that wouldn’t nourish them.  Give them discernment about what they would choose to spiritually ingest so that what they consume is life-giving and strength-sustaining, ensuring they are properly nourished so they can follow You well.  Lord, give them rest in Your pastures, free from predators who would seek to deceive them and pull them from Your flock.  Surround them with Your protection, Lord, and help them rest secure in the salvation You offer.”

“He leads me beside quiet waters,” Ps 23:3

(refreshment, quenching our thirst)

Sheep don’t swim well at all.  In fact, they’re afraid of moving water because, even in their simplicity, they understand that their wool, soaked with water, would quickly drag them under and the current would carry them off.  God has given them the instinct to know that fast-moving water is a threat.  Deep water and strong currents are deadly.  

God gives us the Holy Spirit to warn us away from those things that would drag us down and carry us off, as well.  Our Shepherd leads us beside quiet waters where we can drink our fill and be quenched without fear.  He knows what is best.  But we have to trust His leadership and listen to His voice.  You see, sometimes still water runs deep, and well-under the surface are strong currents that could put us in danger.  We need to trust the Shepherd and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to ensure we’re protected and drinking deeply from waters that are best for us.  When our sons and daughters look to find a church, and fellowship with other believers, we need to pray that the Holy Spirit leads them to refreshing waters that don’t have an undercurrent that distorts or defies Scripture.  Pray that He leads them to a fellowship that isn’t all about a man-leader, but all about God and His Word.  We need to pray that He leads our sons and daughters to quiet waters where they can learn and be refreshed.  Isaiah 49:10 “They will neither hunger nor thirst.  The searing sun will not reach them anymore.  For the LORD in His mercy will lead them; He will lead them beside cool waters.”

“Father, God, You watch us closely and lead us carefully.  You desire that we would find rest and refreshment in You, but to do that, we need to trust You and listen to Your voice.  We need to depend on and be submitted to the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us to teaching and learning that is God-honoring and true to Your Word.  I pray that (name) would find a church home and a fellowship of believers who follow their Shepherd without compromise and cling to His Word with all the strength You provide.  Lord, keep them from dangerous currents that would carry them off to apostasy, to deception and to following their own heart- which is deceitful above all things.  Help (name) to follow Your heart, to trust Your leading, and to drink their full of the refreshment of Scripture each day.  Give them a deep spiritual thirst for Your Truth and the careful discernment to quench that only with what You provide- no substitutions.  Sustain them, Lord, by Your provision and protection, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Let’s pray that our sons and daughters continue to pursue true refreshment and rest in Christ and that they would not look to the world to satisfy those longings within, but would turn to Jesus to be their Provider, Sustainer, and Source of Life.  Pray that they would drink deeply of the Living Water that quenches our ever-present spiritual thirst.  Only Jesus can satisfy.  Pray that they trust and follow their Shepherd into green pastures and still waters.

Pray without ceasing

  1. H7257 - rāḇaṣ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

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