Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

God Gives Good Things

“Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” Psalm 107:8-9 

Recently, while I was driving home, I pulled up to a stop sign.  There, on the far right corner was a lady walking her large pit bull in a harness.  The dog was pulling and straining and having fits as she looked across the street.  When I looked over, there was a mail carrier on the far left corner, messenger bag and pith helmet in place.  I thought, “Oh my, what those poor mail carriers have to contend with…he’s just trying to do his job.” 

I wondered if he would cross to the opposite corner before going on his way, but no, he didn’t.  That mail carrier stepped into the crosswalk and walked right toward the lady and her dog.  The closer he got, the more the dog strained and pulled and then I noticed, the dog was wiggling, wagging her tail and honestly, she smiled.  That assumedly “vicious dog” was eager to see her mail carrier friend and he was just as glad to see her! 

The mail carrier pulled out a dog treat from his bag and the pup eagerly ate it up.  There was no aggression, no fierce bark or growl.  The dog knew the mail carrier brought good things and she waited with anticipation until they met and ‘talked’.  And here’s the thing, the dog wasn’t at all bothered by how others might view her or the assumptions they held…she only had eyes for that mail carrier.  She knew he valued her and she’d be getting a treat as soon as he came near.  They trusted one another and enjoyed their impromptu meeting on the corner.

It made me think about we look to Jesus, or rather, how we should look to Him.  Do we see Him and get excited to talk to Him because He brings good things?  Or are we bothered about what others might think of us, of our affection for and commitment to Jesus.  Are we “all in”, knowing all that matters is how God sees us and that He wants fellowship with us?  Jesus sees our heart.  He knows our value.  He embraces us as His beloved child for whom He gave His life.  He’s not bothered by those looking on, He only has eyes for us- His beloved. He desires good for us.  And He longs that we would be excited to spend time with Him.  

God didn’t create us to be ‘religious’, to check the boxes and go through the motions.  He created us to enjoy a relationship with Him, to worship and adore Him and to enjoy all the benefits of knowing God personally. He wants us to desire to see Him, talk to Him, move closer and enjoy fellowship. He desires that we would trust Him and rely on Him for those good things.

Oh that our sons and daughters would be excited to wake up and talk to God!!  Imagine if their eyes would light up at the mention of Him!  Let’s pray that our sons and daughters take time with Jesus today because they’re excited to talk to Him.  Pray that they would look for the good things He promises and to respond to Him with joy!  Then, let’s lead by example!  Spend time enjoying the Presence of your Savior today.  Sit with Him, listen, worship, praise His name.  

Pray without ceasing.

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