Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

A Good God. A Strong Refuge.

Nahum 1:7 “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him”

Tsunamis, storms, tornadoes, they all stir fear and give us visions of people desperate for survival.  We see pictures and footage of people frantically clinging to something, anything that will anchor them from being swept away, torn from safety and carried off.  In moments like that, people are not worried about superficial things.  They are desperate for life, for survival, for their very breath.

When life becomes tumultuous, what do our sons and daughters hold onto for security and safety?  The tenuous security of material wealth?  That can disappear in moments.  Perhaps a relationship?  Any relationship involves imperfect people who will disappoint and can never provide perfect refuge or peace.   Maybe a job or location that promises ‘better days’?  The grass is rarely greener.  

Or, do they find and cling to something good….really good…. As in the goodness of God, ‘good’.

When we anchor ourselves in Christ, we find a refuge and strength that will never be shaken because we’re rooting ourselves in the One who is good.  He is able to withstand any storm and calm it with a word.  He can stand up against any enemy- even spiritual forces, and render them powerless.  He is able to ensure our very survival even in the most dire situation.   Oh, friends, He Is Good!!

Let’s pray today that our sons and daughters believe with all their hearts that the Lord is GOOD and that they trust Him, fully.  And let’s pray they look to the Lord for their safety and refuge, always.

“Lord, the abundance and depth of your goodness is beyond our understanding.  We can never fully comprehend how amazing it is.  It is always ready to comfort, shelter and care for us.  Help us to see You as the ultimate GOOD and run to You for our refuge.  Don’t let us fall into a sense of false security in things or relationships.  They can be good blessings from You, but they cannot take the place that You should occupy in our hearts and minds.  Lord, I pray that (name) would know and trust that You are good and a stronghold in times of trouble.  Please, be the One they always turn to when they need a refuge.  Always be the One they reach for when they need stability and strength.  I pray that their life would exemplify someone who follows after You, proclaims Your goodness and testifies to Your perfect provision of refuge.  In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pray without ceasing.

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