Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Passing through the Valley

“Blessed are those whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.  As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.  They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.”  Psalm 84:5-7

The Valley of Baka in Psalms is also known as the valley of weeping.  We can all likely look to a time when we experienced a difficult, dark time.  Maybe we encountered hardship and it seemed as if we were in a dark valley of grief or sorrow that weighed us down and seemed to last longer than we had strength to endure.   

It’s one thing to go through it personally, but ask any parent who has watched their son or daughter go through hard things and they’ll tell you, it’s not only difficult, it’s downright painful.  We want to fix it.  We want to bring it to a quick end.  We want to make everything okay and get things “back to normal”, yet, we’re powerless to do it.  

As parents, the valley experience of our children calls us to a deep and abiding faith in Jesus.  It calls us to trust Him more than we can see in front of us.  It calls us to rely on His strength and Sovereignty over our own power and ingenuity. It asks us to relinquish our parental ‘controls’ and trust in the One Who parents them best.  The valley is a tough place to be, that’s certain.  And, as parents, we can either be the voice of spiritual encouragement that points our son or daughter to Jesus, or a detractor that pulls their focus to their current situation and supports their despair.  

But Psalm 84 gives us a beautiful, powerful picture of the valley as a place of victory,  not defeat.  Yes, the Psalmist writes about being in the valley of weeping, but he says,  “Blessed are those whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.”  Blessed.  It’s the Hebrew word “eser” and it means “happiness, or how happy” (1).  Our sons and daughters can experience deep happiness and joy, in spite of the valley experience if they’re focused on Jesus!  They may be in the valley, but if they’re still pursuing Jesus, they are blessed!!  Their location and their situation do not determine their joy.  Jesus is joy!!  That’s a lesson we should all be reminded of daily.  

The second thing to remember is that the valley isn’t their destination, it’s just a part of the journey.  And the valley shouldn’t be the focus of their heart, the passage to Jesus should be their focus! The joy is generated and determined by the Source of their strength.  The One who walks every step of the way with them through the valley and the One in whose Presence they long to stand. The journey is one of reliance on Jesus and trust in His Presence and leading.

Not only will the valley bring blessings, but it can become a place of refreshing.  Imagine that!  A valley of weeping becomes a journey of refreshing?! “As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.”  The word “spring” in Hebrew is the word “mayan” and it means "fountain or source of satisfaction” (2).  Psalm 87:7 gives us another perspective on Who and what that fountain represents, “All my fountains are in You.”  In other words, all of my blessings and Source of joy, delight and pleasure are in You, Lord.  The valley doesn’t supply the source of satisfaction, the believer traveling the valley does through his full reliance on Christ and his delight in His presence.  So, if our sons and daughters are in the valley, they can make it a place bubbling with delight, joy and pleasure if they remain focused on and grounded in the Lord.  Blessings bubbling over, generatd by the Source of Life.

Then, there are the autumn rains.  To some that may seem odd, but in Israel, the hot dry summer gives way to autumn rain that softens the soil and makes it pliable, easily broken up for cultivation and planting.  It creates fertile ground- and isn’t that what God seeks to create in our hearts?  The autumn rains in the valley of weeping can soften hearts and make them ready to receive the Word and be fruitful.  The springs and fountains of delight, pleasure, and joy along with the refreshing, nourishing rains that soften the hardened ground make the trek through the valley a journey from strength to strength.  This word, strength, is “hayil” in Hebrew and it means “resources, ability, and might” (3).  Do you see?  God uses the valley to bring joy in Him- not generated by our circumstances.  He brings delight, not in the location, but in His Presence.  He brings growth because of the believer’s focus and reliance on Him, not on the situation or location.  He draws the traveler to Himself and in doing so, the situation and location become secondary.

Finally, the destination of walking through the valley is the anticipation of standing before God, in His presence.  Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your Presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.”  If our heart is set on pilgrimage to God’s presence and Jesus is our Guide and Companion, there is strength and joy in the journey because we know the valley isn’t the destination, nor does it hold what we’re seeking, and there is so much more that awaits us.  We will ALL stand before the Lord, whether we intend that as our destination or not.  It is determined beforehand for us.  

How will we pray for our sons and daughters in their faith journey?  Will we pray the valley is short and the weeping is minimal?  That’s likely and why wouldn’t we? God understands our parent-heart well.  But, maybe we should pray that the focus of our son or daughter is Jesus alone and that He would be their source of joy, delight and strength.  And maybe, just maybe, we should pray for autumn rains that soften the ground of their hearts so they can receive the Word of God and bear fruit.  Perhaps we should pray that their journey is not just a short one, but is one of moving from strength to strength until they appear before God in Zion and that ultimately, they would hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

Let’s pray that the valley is a place of blessing and growth and that if He wills, the Lord would allow us a window on all of it while we lift our sons and daughters in prayer.  There are features of the valley experience that can lead us and our sons and daughters to a stronger, more certain faith.  And yes, even deep joy. That’s how we can pray effectively and fervently for their journey.

Pray without ceasing.

1. H835 - 'ešer - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

2. H4599 - maʿyān - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

3. H2428 - ḥayil - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Pray That They Won’t Drift Away

“We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.”  Hebrews 2:1

The possibility that our kids would drift away from the Lord is real.  The enemy wants nothing more than to see our sons and daughters pull away from the Lord.  Drifting is subtle.  It’s not a willful rebellion or running from God.  It’s not a sudden change of heart that takes them away or that has them running in a different direction,  it’s a passive indifference.  It’s inaction toward or a downplaying of the dangers and deceptions.  It’s literally ‘going with the flow’.

What does Hebrews mean when it cautions us against drifting away?  The words “drift away”  come from the Greek words “para” to be near (1) and “rheo” to flow (2).   Strong’s Concordance words it this way “lest we be carried past” (3).  Picture it… a boat near the shore or close to the dock, yet unanchored.  Those nearby can see the boat and because it’s floating (as a boat should) and lingering near the dock, no one takes notice that it’s not tethered.  The current is mild and nothing seems amiss.  But soon enough, it becomes evident that the boat is drifting and eventually it moves noticeably out of reach, away from the safety of the dock.  It’s at the mercy of the current.  No one is navigating; it’s simply drifting, but soon would be lost.  It’s a great illustration and it shows us that although someone may be ‘near’ the gospel or “kind of” following Jesus, if they’re not anchored, they will easily drift.  It’s not radical, it’s not sudden; it’s a slow drifting that, once realized by those around, often has that person out of reach and moving away, further and further.

Drifting is enabled by many seemingly harmless things and legitimate excuses: busyness, weariness, distractedness…but they’re all dangerous because they lull us into passively  ‘being’ instead of actively clinging.   

How can we pray that our sons and daughters don’t drift?  Hebrews is FULL of all kinds of encouragement on this!

  • Pay the most careful attention.  (Hebrews 2:)  The Greek word used here is prosecho which means to “turn the mind towards, be attentive to”  but it also means to “bring a ship toward land or to put in” (4).  Do you see what the author of Hebrews is doing here?  It’s a beautiful dual use of a word!  

    I Peter 1:13 (NIV) tells us, “Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.”   The NASB says it this way, “Prepare your minds for action”.  There is nothing passive in this, it is active, intentional, and forward looking.  If you’re alert, fully sober and preparing for action, you won’t fall victim to drift.

  • Fix our thoughts on Jesus.  (Hebrews 3:1)  The word “fix” is katanoeo in Greek and it means to perceive, understand and consider attentively (5).  It’s an active verb.

  • Hold onto our courage and the faith we profess.  (Hebrews 3:6, 4:14)  Hold on, or “katecho” in Greek means to detain, hold back, retain to keep from going away” (6)  Again, it’s an active verb.

  • Do not harden your hearts.   (Hebrews 3:8; 3:15; 4:7)

  • Don’t have an unbelieving heart that turns away from the Lord (Hebrews 3:12)

  • Encourage one another so that no one is hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. (Hebrews 3:13)

  • Hold firmly to the end with the confidence we had at first (Hebrews 3:14)

  • Don’t follow the example of disobedience and fall (Hebrews 4:11)

  • Take hold of the hope offered, this hope is an anchor (Hebrews 6:18-19)

  • Hold unswervingly to the hope we profess. (Hebrews 10:23)

Drifting away is a real danger for all believers and it’s rarely drastic. No, it happens subtly.  It often doesn’t garner attention until one day we might recognize that our loved one has drifted from their faith and they’re further away than we thought.   Let’s pray over our sons and daughters that they would not be passive in their faith but always actively pursuing Jesus, aware of the dangers and the things that would pull them away.  As parents, we can’t let our guard down just because everything “seems good” and they’re walking with Jesus.  Praise God if things are good and their faith is strong!  But it’s only good, until it’s not.  And that can happen any time, friends.  Our sons and daughters are a target of the enemy.  Let’s pray for protection over their faith and their walk with Jesus.  No drifting.  

“Almighty Father, I pray for (name) today.  Protect them from drifting away from You and from their faith.  Lord, please help them to pay the most careful attention to Your Word and to fix their eyes and thoughts on Jesus.  They are surrounded by those who do not believe and by temptations and influences that would pull them away from You.  The enemy would love nothing more than to see them become indifferent and to be passive toward their faith.  Help (name) to be alert.  Give (name) strength to hold on to the hope that they profess.  Protect (name) from an unbelieving and/or hardened heart.  Keep them tender towards You, growing and deepening their faith as they read and study Your word, pray, and fellowship with other believers.  Keep them in fellowship, Lord, that’s such an easy drift to fall into- pulling away from church and from the commitment to worship corporately.  They need encouragement from other believers, so I pray that You would surround them with others who love and serve You.  Lord, bring strong believers into (name)’s life, even today, who would challenge and encourage them.  Pursue (name) and don’t allow them to drift.  Remind (name) of the hope they have in Jesus- this hope is an anchor.  Keep them from cutting the ties that bind them to You- strengthen those ties and help (name) to hold unswervingly.  Lord, you are mighty to save.  I pray that You would protect your child today, keep them from disobedience and from indifference.  Fan the flame of faith and lead them in righteousness for Your name’s sake.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Pray without ceasing.

  1. G3844 - para - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

  2. G4482 - rheō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

  3. G3901 - pararreō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

  4. G4337 - prosechō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

  5. G2657 - katanoeō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from 

  6. G2722 - katechō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (niv). Retrieved from

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