Brenda Reid Brenda Reid


Some people choose a word for the year, one that will be their focus and potentially represent what they choose to do, accomplish, and be. Maybe it’s ‘health’ or ‘positivity’. We download apps and follow influencers hoping to make the changes that will make us better.

But God doesn’t set expectations that WE would better ourselves on our own- we honestly don’t have the ability to do that. Oh, we might be able to generate an illusion… but so often our efforts leave us feeling discouraged and defeated. What God does ask of us is that we follow Him.  Follow.  Not lead.  Not walk nearby or on a similar pathway, but follow.

“Follow me.”

The word ‘follow’ in Greek is the word “akoloutheo” and it means to be in the same way with, to accompany, to cleave steadfastly to one, to conform wholly to His example in living and, if need be, dying.” 1

A great way to begin our year is by praying that our sons and daughters follow Jesus. Not a casual ‘checking in to see updates’ or looking for the most popular trend, but following Jesus faithfully, daily, passionately. Does their life reflect a commitment to Jesus?  Do their choices, their words and actions, their pursuits and values demonstrate that Jesus is the One they value over anything and anyone else?  

Here’s another important question, does our own life reflect that?  Do we live with a passion to serve Him?  It’s important because even though our sons and daughters are grown, they’re still watching us.  They look to us to be examples…or the justification for why they choose to do…or not do.  Are we following well?

If we are following Christ, our life will demonstrate that.  People will believe what we say when our life exhibits the evidence that our words are true. Do we live as if we’re in the same way with Jesus, accompanying Him, cleaving steadfastly to Him and conforming wholly to His example in living and, if need be, dying.” 1

Oh that we would all have a passion for Christ that consumes us to the point that we radiate joy, we seek to serve, we delight in praise and worship, and we hold the things of this world very lightly.  Our life isn’t here, it is with Christ.  We are only here for a short time- let’s make the most of it for Jesus!  Let’s commit to pray, every day, that we and our sons and daughters, would follow Christ with conviction, with a commitment that doesn’t waver, and that we would daily choose Him over everything and everyone else.

“Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, there is no shadow of turning with Thee.” 2

No shadow of turning. Consider the visual image of that.  Someone who is in the light, who doesn’t turn to either side or turn back doesn’t give evidence of a shadow, ever.  

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17 Our God is faithful and steady. If we are to be like Him, that means we should demonstrate the same- no shadow of turning; faithful to follow for all the days of our life.  We have so little time, we can’t waste it turning aside to pursue what this world offers.  

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,” Hebrews 10:23-24 ESV

Our sons and daughters need our intercession now more than ever!  We have a mighty calling! Are we going to embrace it, take up the challenge and pray?  Oh, friends, let’s do it!  Let’s commit to praying for this next generation. God, in His mercy and kindness, has granted us another year.  Let’s take on 2025 as if it may be our last year to fervently and effectively pray for our sons and daughters, our loved ones, our neighbors and even those we don’t know and have never met.  Satan is in an all-out war to take captive as many souls as he can.  Let’s fight his agenda!  Let’s battle against his tactics.  Let’s follow Jesus unwaveringly, fighting the good fight until He returns! Pray without ceasing!

“Heavenly Father, I bring (name) before You today.  I know You know them well.  You created them. I ask today that You would empower and embolden them to follow You faithfully.  Lord, impress upon them the need to be fully committed to You, surrendered to Your will, and eager to serve You in whatever way and place You might call them.  Help me to pray faithfully and to surrender to Your will as well.  Lord, I know the hopes and dreams I have for them, but Yours are greater and hold eternal value.  Help me to follow You without turning aside to my own hopes or agenda.  Help me to pray unselfishly and according to Your will.  Lord, I ask that You would protect (name).  Keep them from deception.  Fill them with wonder at Your word and a desire to live for You, to worship and praise You and to live a life that exhibits no shadow of turning. I pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Prodigal Prayer-  “Lord, name is following other paths that they believe will earn them the life they deserve and the reward they crave. I pray You would get (name)’s attention.  Open their eyes to see that they are following empty things- things that only deliver disappointment and ultimately, destruction .  They are on a road that leads to eternal death.  And in their following, they are accompanying others who are walking towards death.  Lord, turn them around, help them to see You promise forgiveness and redemption, eternal life and an inheritance that is beyond anything this world can offer.  Give (name) a desire to know and follow You. Change what they follow so that they would follow You.”

  1. G190 - akoloutheō - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

  2. Chisholm, T. O. (n.d.). Great is thy faithfulness. 

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Sunday Worship: Light in the Darkness

The blasts of chill December sound
    The farewell of the year,
And night's swift shadows gath'ring round
    O'er cloud the soul with fear;
But rest you well, good Christian men,
    Nor be of heart forlorn;
December's darkness begins again
    The Light of Christmas morn.

The welcome snow at Christmas-tyde
    Falls shining from the skies:
On village paths and uplands wide
    All holy-white it lies;
It crowns with pearl the oaks and pines,
    And glitters on the thorn,
And purer is the Light that shines
    On gladsome Christmas morn.

'Twas when the world was waxing old,
    And night on Bethlehem lay,
The shepherds saw the heavens unfold
    A light beyond the day;
Such glory ne'er had visited
    A world with sin outworn;
But yet more glorious Light is shed
    On happy Christmas morn.

Those shepherds poor, how blest were they
    The angels' song to hear!
In manger cradle as He lay,
    To greet their Lord so dear!
The Lord of Heaven's eternal height
    For us a Child was born:
And He, the very Light of Light,
    Shone forth that Christmas morn!

Before His Infant smile afar
    Were driven the hosts of hell;
And still in souls that childlike are
    His guardian Love shall dwell:
O then rejoice, good Christian men,
    Nor be of hear forlorn;
December's darkness bring again
    The Light of Christmas morn.

Cline, N. (1928). Lyrics of Light and Life: Light in the Darkness. In Christmas carols (pp. 57–59). essay, G.G. Harrap & Co. Ltd.

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

I Surrender All

Ah, Sunday. A day of focused worship. A day of rest. Today, spend some time in praise and worship of our Lord. Be refreshed in His Word. Sing to Him. Let your worship be a fragrant offering to the Lord.

All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all,
I surrender all;
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow;
Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
Take me, Jesus, take me now.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power,
Let Thy blessing fall on me.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Now I feel the sacred flame;
Oh, the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory, to His Name!

Judson W. Van DeVenter, 1896

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

My Jesus I Love Thee-Sunday Worship

My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine;

for thee all the follies of sin I resign;

my gracious Redeemer, my Savior art thou;

if ever I loved thee, my Jesus, 'tis now.


I love thee because thou hast first loved me

and purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree;

I love thee for wearing the thorns on thy brow;

if ever I loved thee, my Jesus, 'tis now.



I'll love thee in life, I will love thee in death,

and praise thee as long as thou lendest me breath,

and say when the deathdew lies cold on my brow:

If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, 'tis now.



In mansions of glory and endless delight,

I'll ever adore thee in heaven so bright;

I'll sing with the glittering crown on my brow:

If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. 

William R. Featherston (1862)

public domain

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Sunday Worship-Nothing But the Blood of Jesus

What can wash away my sin

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

What can make me whole again

Nothing but the blood of Jesus



For my pardon, this I see

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

For my cleansing this my plea

Nothing but the blood of Jesus


Nothing can for sin atone

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Naught of good that I have done

Nothing but the blood of Jesus


This is all my hope and peace

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

This is all my righteousness

Nothing but the blood of Jesus


Oh, precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow

Oh, no other fount I know

Nothing but the blood of Jesus


Robert Lowry- 1876

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Sunday Worship: A Hymn of Praise

We Praise Thee, Lord, with Earliest Morning Ray

Author: Johann Franck

Translator: Catherine Winkworth

Psalm 59:16-17

But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.  You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.

We praise Thee, Lord, with earliest morning ray;

We praise Thee with the glowing light of day:

All things that live and move, by sea and land,

Forever ready at Thy service stand.

The nations all are singing night and day,

Glory to Thee, the mighty God, for aye!

By Thee, through Thee, in Thee all beings are!

The listening earth repeats the song afar.

Thy name is great, Thy kingdom in us dwell;

Thy will constrain, and feed and guide us well:

Guard us, redeem us in the evil hour;

For Thine the glory, Lord, and Thine the power!

(lyrics are public domain)

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Sunday Worship

Hymn: We Walk By Faith, Frances J. Crosby, 1885

We walk by faith, and, oh, how sweet
The flow’rs that grow beneath our feet,
And fragrance breathe along the way
That leads the soul to endless day.

We walk by faith, but not alone,
Our Shepherd’s tender voice we hear,
And feel His hand within our own,
And know that He is always near.

We walk by faith; He wills it so,
And marks the path that we should go;
And when at times our sky is dim,
He gently draws us close to Him.

We walk by faith, divinely blest;
On Him we lean, in Him we rest;
The more we trust our Shepherd’s care,
The more His love is ours to share.

And thus by faith till life shall end
We’ll walk with Him, our dearest Friend,
Till safe we tread the fields of light,
Where faith is lost in perfect sight.

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Brenda Reid Brenda Reid

Sunday Worship: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

Sitting at the feet of Jesus
Oh, what words I hear Him say!
Happy place, so near, so precious!
May it find me there each day
Sitting at the feet of Jesus
I would look upon the past
For His love has been so gracious
It has won my heart at last

Sitting at the feet of Jesus
Where can mortals be more bless
There I lay my sins and sorrows
And when weary find sweet rest
Sitting at the feet of Jesus
There I love to weep and pray
While I from His fullness gather
Grace and comfort every day

Bless me, O my Savior, bless me
As I sit low at Thy feet
Oh, look down in love upon me
Let me see Thy face so sweet
Give me, Lord, the mind of Jesus
Make me holy as He is
May I prove I've been with Jesus
Who is all my righteousness
He is all my righteousness
He is all my righteousness

Hymn by Joseph L. Hall, 1868

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